Sarah Savage

Sarah Savage
Sarah Savage is originally from Crestview, Florida, but has called the Auburn/Opelika area home for the last 15 years. She graduated from Auburn in 2012 with a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology and a minor in Human Development and Family Studies. She and her husband, Jonathan, have a seven year old daughter and a four year old son. Sarah works part time from home as a Communications Editor for Auburn University, but spends most of her time attempting to keep her kids from climbing—and subsequently falling off—furniture and providing an endless supply of snacks. She enjoys working out, reading, baking, listening to podcasts, and volunteering with local service organizations.

My Must-Have Products for a Tidy Home

Back in the glory days of having one child, I wrote an article about how I kept my house nice and tidy. Sweet, sweet summer Sarah. Turns out that adding a child somehow triples...

Kid Activities That Double As Self-Care For You

One of the realities of the small children phase of parenting is that time for taking care of yourself is limited. I can't remember the last relaxing bath I've had and being kicked in...

Spanking On Trial: Why I Don’t Spank & How I Got There

I had jury duty last year. During voir dire, we were all seated in a courtroom with our juror numbers printed on a half-sheet of bright orange paper that we held up to answer...

Hot Mom Summer

This morning I was strapping my kids into their car seats so we could head to their preschool. Yes, our preschool has a summer session, and you better believe I send my kids. I...

Can You Get PTSD/Anxiety From Constant Sickness?

*Content warning: this post contains anxiety and vomit. * The other afternoon I was doing some organizing. I’d just finished watching the second season of Netflix’s Get Organized with The Home Edit, so I was...

It’s Not Just Herbalife. All Health & Wellness MLMs Should Be Avoided.

Last year I noticed a ton of nutrition clubs popping up everywhere – twelve at one point, although at least two have closed and one has changed ownership last I checked. I was curious,...

Feeling a Bit Dumber or More Sensitive Lately? Motherhood is to Blame.

The other night I was talking to my husband in the kitchen while we made dinner. Suddenly, I stopped talking mid-sentence. Not because I’d forgotten where I was going with the sentence, but because...

Babies Don’t Keep. Thank Goodness!

I saw the phrase “babies don’t keep” while I was scrolling the other day. Usually I’m like, “Aw, no they don’t! Mine are growing up too fast. *cry face emoji*” Just a couple of...

5 Abuse Prevention Strategies To Start Using With Small Children

I’m naturally a risk-averse person. Growing up, I was not infrequently called a “teacher’s pet” or “goody two-shoes,” or told that I didn’t know how to have fun (to which I always replied, “We...

Ho Ho No: The Case Against Santa Claus

When I told my husband what I was working on, his reaction was, “Really? First MLMs and now Santa? You just felt like not enough people hate you yet? We’re going to have to...