Sarah Savage
My Must-Have Products for a Tidy Home
Back in the glory days of having one child, I wrote an article about how I kept my house nice and tidy. Sweet, sweet summer Sarah. Turns out that adding a child somehow triples...
Kid Activities That Double As Self-Care For You
One of the realities of the small children phase of parenting is that time for taking care of yourself is limited. I can't remember the last relaxing bath I've had and being kicked in...
Spanking On Trial: Why I Don’t Spank & How I Got There
I had jury duty last year. During voir dire, we were all seated in a courtroom with our juror numbers printed on a half-sheet of bright orange paper that we held up to answer...
Hot Mom Summer
This morning I was strapping my kids into their car seats so we could head to their preschool. Yes, our preschool has a summer session, and you better believe I send my kids. I...
Can You Get PTSD/Anxiety From Constant Sickness?
*Content warning: this post contains anxiety and vomit. *
The other afternoon I was doing some organizing. I’d just finished watching the second season of Netflix’s Get Organized with The Home Edit, so I was...
It’s Not Just Herbalife. All Health & Wellness MLMs Should Be Avoided.
Last year I noticed a ton of nutrition clubs popping up everywhere – twelve at one point, although at least two have closed and one has changed ownership last I checked. I was curious,...
Feeling a Bit Dumber or More Sensitive Lately? Motherhood is to Blame.
The other night I was talking to my husband in the kitchen while we made dinner. Suddenly, I stopped talking mid-sentence. Not because I’d forgotten where I was going with the sentence, but because...
Babies Don’t Keep. Thank Goodness!
I saw the phrase “babies don’t keep” while I was scrolling the other day. Usually I’m like, “Aw, no they don’t! Mine are growing up too fast. *cry face emoji*” Just a couple of...
5 Abuse Prevention Strategies To Start Using With Small Children
I’m naturally a risk-averse person. Growing up, I was not infrequently called a “teacher’s pet” or “goody two-shoes,” or told that I didn’t know how to have fun (to which I always replied, “We...
Ho Ho No: The Case Against Santa Claus
When I told my husband what I was working on, his reaction was, “Really? First MLMs and now Santa? You just felt like not enough people hate you yet? We’re going to have to...