Susannah Steele
If I Was Starting Over (Part Two) – The Toddler Items I’d Buy Again
If you are looking for recommendations for baby items, check out part one of this series.
As your baby nears his first birthday (which seems to happen too fast!), he's grown so much from his...
What To Know Before Your First Trip To Aldi
The much-anticipated, new Aldi store opens in Opelika on Thursday, March 7th. This budget-friendly grocery chain has somewhat of a cult following across the country. Prior to this location opening, Aldi stores in LaGrange,...
If I Was Starting Over (Part One) – The Baby Items I’d Buy Again
New moms often want to know what baby items to register for or buy before their little one comes along. Even among the basic items there are a variety of makes and models that...
Self-Care For The Stay-At-Home Extrovert
This month I'm celebrating 3 years as a stay-at-home mom. I always imagined I'd stay at home with my kids, like my mom did when I was growing up. When the time came, though,...
Beyond Rear-Facing: Review of Cosco Finale 2-in-1
In our family, we have four kids under age four. We've added a carseat to our collection every year since 2015. On one occasion, we picked up a new seat for our 10-month-old and...