Babies: Gifts from God. Snuggly bundles of joy. Exhausting.
Toddlers: Energizer Bunnies. Talkative. Smart. Explorers. Temper Tantrum Professionals.
Put the two together and you have an interesting mix of love, laughter, tears and major mom guilt!!! What am I referring too?...
In our family, we have four kids under age four. We've added a carseat to our collection every year since 2015. On one occasion, we picked up a new seat for our 10-month-old and then adjusted the straps on...
In my experience, anytime there is a big life event, people around us take it as their hand-lettered, gold-foiled invitation to submit their opinion. This includes anyone and everyone - people who actually know you and those that definitely...
“Embrace the chaos,” they said. “This is only a season,” they said. I have spent weeks, if not months, embracing and reevaluating our “chaos.”
Overcommitments, scheduled weekends, the plague (okay, the flu, forgive my exaggeration), board meetings, OT and kid's...
It's 5:00 AM. My alarm goes off. I don't know about you but some mornings I have a hard time getting up. Okay, most mornings. I sit up, kick my feet off the bed, throw on my robe, grab...
Have you ever looked on Pinterest at infant schedules? They were my gold during pregnancy. I would spend hours upon hours looking at suggested wake times and bedtimes, because duh, like any good mom I planned on...
I can recall, when my son was only a few months old, calling my friend to discuss that he had not pooped in two days. While I was on the phone with her, a massive streak of baby diarrhea...
When my daughter was born, I quickly learned that it was okay to ask for help. I mean, birthing a whole being requires recognizing that you need help and accepting help when it is offered. One of the areas...
I am often asked by moms about how to do art at home with their kids. Art is so much fun for kids. That’s because they are naturally creative. Their imaginations are going crazy. And beyond that, it builds confidence,...
We were sitting in the movie theater watching previews before the Disney movie The Emperor's New Groove. Suddenly, a shot appeared of travelers cresting a hill, one of them in a tall pointed hat. With a sharp intake of breath, our...