The much-anticipated, new Aldi store opens in Opelika on Thursday, March 7th. This budget-friendly grocery chain has somewhat of a cult following across the country. Prior to this location opening, Aldi stores in LaGrange, Georgia and Columbus, Georgia were...
Parenting can be HARD. WORK. It's not a joke. But it can be ESPECIALLY hard if you've got a kiddo who pushes your buttons.  You know... The child who hates doing chores. The child who whines.  The child who is so difficult to...

King, Party of Five

Kyle and I made the decision early in our marriage that adoption would be part of our story. We assumed we would pursue an international adoption because the need is truly so great and is to this day. We...
If you’ve ever done an internet search seeking advice on planning a trip to the Most Magical Place on Earth, you were probably quickly overwhelmed with the amount of information that came up. We all know that a trip...
As the summer starts winding down,  As school starts back at the beginning of August,  As the temperature starts to drop - wait a minute - we are in Alabama so that doesn't happen... But one thing is for sure, in the...
This time of social isolation and quarantine probably rocked any boat that you were in. And, if you’re like me, you probably learned a bit about yourself: what it is that you can actually accomplish, your strengths, your weaknesses...
There’s a scary part to potty training, you say? Yes, yes there is. At least that’s the way it is for a lot of moms.  I could give you a whole list of things about potty training that a lot of...
  This sounds like an obvious contradiction, however, there is a lot of truth in it.  I'm going to mention a few things about gardening that brings simplicity to life. I want to simplify my life. I wish I had a...
You have a toddler, or two, running around your house, and you’re thinking… “Am I the only one?” “Does this happen for everyone else?” “Is my kid the only one struggling with potty training?” “Does this seem so hard only for me?” “Is the...
Never in a million years would I have guessed that this is what motherhood is like. Sure, I've dreamed about it, anticipated it, planned for it, and waited, but you just really don't know what motherhood will actually be...


Our Summer Survival Strategy

Summer is here whether I like it or not. Admittedly, it’s not my favorite season, but I’m both excited and a bit nervous about...

I’m Leaving

I love you Mommy