You have a toddler, or two, running around your house, and you’re thinking…
“Am I the only one?”
“Does this happen for everyone else?”
“Is my kid the only one struggling with potty training?”
“Does this seem so hard only for me?”
“Is the morning routine… Or naptime… Or late afternoon to dinner time… Or bedtime routine this crazy and hectic for anyone else?”
The whining, the tantrums, the falling-out in the parking lot… yeah, they’ve happened to all of us.
Snack time battles, skipping nap problems, playtime issues… again, you’re not the only one.
Why do these moments seem so hard?
Well, it’s simply because you have a toddler on your hands and he’s constantly growing, learning, and moving.
Sometimes the exact thing that you need to hear is that what you’re dealing with is normal. The behaviors you’re managing are typical. Your feelings aren’t unusual or new; they’re common. You’re not the only one.
But the times in which you feel alone, the moments in which it seems like you’re the only one going through this, the times in which it feels like you’re the only one struggling, when you get stuck in your head, this is when motherhood and parenthood feels the most difficult…
And well, it sucks. It’s no fun feeling like you’re alone and that it’s only you.
So today, know that you’re not alone. Know that you’re not the only one.
You’re not the only one fretting about what to do with your toddlers all summer.
You’re not the only one feeling like potty training is taking too long or that you’re doing it all wrong.
You’re not the only one wishing this season would get easier.
You’re not the only one triggered by the whining and those tantrums.
You’re not the only one.
That mom next to you. Yeah, she feels it too. You may not know it. She may not show it. But she feels it too.
And yes, even I feel you.
Read more from the author here.