Book Club


Let’s talk about Book Club.

My new neighborhood book club voted for THE MOTHER-IN-LAW as our inaugural read. To say I was apprehensive was an understatement. I was afraid the book would be a stereotypical monster-in-law story. I’ve always wanted to be in a book club but I didn’t know if I had the courage to dive into a discussion centered around the state of MIL-hood. I am, after all, a MIL.

The genre is not one that I usually read, but that’s actually one of the plus sides of a book club–to nudge readers into new territory. So I read the synopsis of Sally Hepworth’s Australian novel, hit “click and buy” on Amazon, and a few days later I pulled it out of the mailbox, took a deep breath, and dove in.

This is such a good book. The story is told in a dual time-line and from two perspectives: Diana (the MIL) and Lucy (her DIL). It opens as the police arrive to inform Lucy’s husband, Ollie, that Diana is dead. As you learn the back story of the characters, you get to see why they act and react in the ways in which they do. It shows the complexities of the characters and their relationships in a way that is realistic and insightful. It shows how each of us has the capacity for good and for bad and how we all make mistakes and assumptions that shape our family dynamics. There’s a tiny sprinkling of language, but only to show realistic situations.

I enjoyed the book. But, what I enjoyed the most was Book Club. It’s a neighborhood book club, so all the participants live within walking distance. I got to meet and get to know a whole group of women I usually only see as we pass each other on walks or running errands. The evening was so much fun.

My introvert self, the one who usually turns into a pumpkin and falls asleep around 9 pm, didn’t even get home until 10:30. On a school night, no less. We all brought snacks to share and we were having so much fun getting to know each other that the book discussion didn’t even start until 8:30.

I call myself an extroverted introvert, a term I borrowed from a friend. I am by nature quiet, bookish, and reserved. I’m awkward at conversation. But, if I’m drawn into a conversation about something about which I’m enthusiastic, especially if I’m with people with whom I feel comfortable, I get excited. It’s hard to shut me up, or get a word in edgewise. I found myself with a whole group of women with the same characteristic. We were all talking over one another a good portion of the evening and it was wonderful.

Book Club was a group of neighbors, most of whom I didn’t know prior to that night, sitting around talking about a book and eating good food. That’s a place I can enjoy. I even got up the courage to sit only by neighbors I’d not met before instead of the ones I knew. The evening flew by and I came home amazed at how easy it had been to meet new people who shared a common interest–books.

We discovered that we all read different genres. Some present hadn’t read the book, only coming for the connection and conversation. It was great.

Our discussion gave us all a little more insight into the book itself along with insights into each other’s point of view. There were some light-bulb moments into the MIL/DIL relationship. We all left looking forward to next month’s book and our next meeting. The ones who were unable to attend are eager to be a part next time.

As far as the book goes, there were a few things about the characters and their backstories we felt should have been included or stressed a little more. We also had some unanswered questions about facts dealing with Diana’s death. But overall, we liked the book.

As far as Book Club goes, it’s shaping up to:

  • Get me to read in genres towards which I don’t usually gravitate
  • Get me out for an enjoyable evening in order to get to know my neighbors
  • Give me a connection with the group as we all read the book together, which also provides a conversation starter as we meet on the street, around town, etc.

Goodreads gives THE MOTHER-IN-LAW 3.97 stars out of 5 with 14,907 Community Reviews. We rated THE MOTHER-IN-LAW on a scale of 1-10, giving it an average score of about 7.5. I think, however, as far as the success of the evening, we’d all rate Book Club a solid 5/5 stars. I can’t wait for next month.

May you read good books and find good friends!
