It is imperative that we continue social distancing in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. Our community is finding ways to connect and show that we are in this together.
So, let’s get creative! This project is great for kiddos and adults alike. As families are taking a walk for fresh air, or out for necessities, they can have an egg hunt! We invite local businesses to participate as well. Please remember not to include any address in the picture, unless it’s a business, then feel free to share that business information.
Join us in sharing Auburn-Opelika Moms Blog 2020 Hunt for the Quarantined Eggs with your neighborhood. We are excited to see your creations!

How It Works
Create colorful eggs out of paper, draw them on a sidewalk, or use any other craft supplies you may have. Need some inspiration? Click HERE to download and print our Easter egg coloring page.
Decorate your favorite egg any way that you want!
Display your egg(s) in your windows by Wednesday, April 8th.
Egg Hunt April 8th – 12th
Go on an egg hunt with your family (or by yourself ) to see how many eggs you can find! *Don’t forget* to take a picture of the beautiful eggs you find and share to the Auburn-Opelika Moms Blog FB thread and tag @auburnopelikamomsblog on social media! Let’s see how many neighborhoods get represented!
#aomomsblog #auburnopelikamomsblog #aomomsegghunt