Christmas, its meaning, and its magic have grown since our son has arrived. Even though this will be only his second Christmas, it’s already shaping up to be fun! Advent is a season beginning the first Sunday in December (December 1st this year) and going through Christmas Eve, and its purpose is to help us prepare for and anticipate Jesus’ birth.
Last year, I searched and searched for an Advent calendar that I loved, but I ran into several different issues. Some had great activities but the color schemes didn’t match our decor; some had matching looks but the activities did not fit our family; some incorporated only Biblical related activities; some incorporated none. So this year, I have made two different sets to share:
The first download is one for the family who wants to squeeze in all of the holiday cheer they can! With an involved activity every day, this calendar gives ample opportunity to get into the spirit of Christmas! Though the cards are black and white, your children can color them either as they are completed or just color them for fun; another option is to print on colored cardstock. Included in this download are 27 activities and blanks in case you want to add your own family traditions. You will only need 24 activities, so you can pick and choose your favorites to display for your Advent season.
Advent Calendar: Daily Activities Download
The second is for the family that may prefer a slower pace in festivities. The holidays can be packed with parties, activities, play dates, and more, and the pressure to do it all can be a bit much. This download provides a simple way to come back together at the end of the day to refocus on the themes of the Advent season: hope, love, joy, and peace. Each week has a focus from each of the four categories. While this download still includes a set of 24 cards, each activity can be completed in a matter of minutes, around the dinner table or in a quiet afternoon. The only supplies needed for these will be a pen, paper, and a Bible.
Advent Calendar: Weekly Themes Download
As you can see below, there are different ways to use and display your cards. If you have an existing Advent calendar, the cards can easily be added. A simple strand of twine and some clips make an easy mantle decoration, or you can hole punch and ring them together to use on your table. The possibilities are endless! The black and white downloads make it printer friendly, easily customizable, and a little simpler than many around right now.
For our family, we will be using the slower paced activities, as this season of life brings travel, a move, and a toddler. Next year, my hope is that we can complete the ones that are more involved! I hope this Advent season brings you all of the hope, peace, love, and joy!