My oldest has just wrapped up her first year of school. She loves school and we’re grateful for a great experience. While I know it’s not about me, I can’t help be reflect on how I would have been graded this year.
Social Skills
Participated in After Hours Events: 33%
Comments: Can I get any points back since evening events were always the same night as our only extracurricular activity? Or that our other, younger kids get nutty when the sun goes down? No? Ok, thought I’d give it a try.
Attended Daytime Events: 92%
Comments: I may not attend many plays or concerts in life, but when I do you can bet there’s a folding chair in the back half of the room with my name on it and a shaky cell phone video to document it. Also, bookfairs are not quite as fun as I remember them. The thrill of a new poster for my wall has waned a bit.
Made connections with other adults: 4%
Comments: Felt like I put myself out there a little bit, but when you’re all trying to get the best folding chair or create a lunchtime conversation over 14 small but mighty voices – it gets tricky to make friends with other parents.
Returned papers/permission slips signed and on time: 97.5%
Comments: If there’s anything I did well, it was being an efficient responder. Will make a note that this is my “Easy A” and will continue to sign things and send them back promptly.
Involved with class-specific needs: 89%
Comments: Getting to live vicariously through a good dress-up day or supporting the teacher with school supplies may be my new love language.
Knowledge of topics covered in class: 35%
Comments: I operated this year under the philosophy that “No news is good news.” To my daughter’s dissatisfaction, I have not been able to satisfactorily answer why I myself didn’t have SMART boards in Kindergarten (25 years ago). Despite this, I can still help with reading and basic math concepts. For now.
Overall Evaluation: Kindergarten Mom ranks moderately supportive of both her student and her student’s teachers. Her social skills rank below average and could use additional focus. Perhaps a full day field trip would do the trick? Because we believe that her student feels loved and supported at home and school, we will allow her to continue on to First Grade Mom status but will continue to monitor progress closely. Keep up the good work signing things – don’t worry about being off on the dates, it’s only by one or two days!