Sometimes you say yes to something knowing it will change your life, probably significantly, but not really knowing how. Last year was one of those years for my household. The kind of year that you will forever use as a marker on the timeline of life when trying to recall ‘now what year was it …..?’ There have been a handful of other years like that in our marriage with the two of most prominent being 2005 and 2018. Back in 2005, we found out that my mother-in-law was very sick and would only live a couple months, we sold and bought houses, moved, we adopted our first kids- our amazing pugs, Hagan & Rocco, I had surgery and welcomed my sister-in-law & her family to Auburn from California. I’m sure I am forgetting something, but to say the least it was an eventful year. It was going to take a pretty remarkable year to match 2005, but 2018 rose to the occasion. I will forever mark many events, as I try to recall, against the first time I ran for public office. I should say that WE ran. It was a collective effort.
Running for office was the overarching theme in 2018, but there were health issues with family members, Doug being on projects working from home, which eventually led to being between jobs, etc. The one about Doug’s job is reaching an end. He officially started with a new company at the beginning of 2019, but they had him training at home via webinars. Doug usually travels about four to five days a week and has, since long before we were married. This past year was different though. He was home the majority of the year, which was perfect timing with the campaign because it kept me sane with not having to juggle sitters, activities, and just life in general on my own. Doug and Dalton Ruth had plenty of time for role playing Harry Potter meets The Incredibles while he drove her to play practice, choir and piano. He was here to support me and campaign with me. He was also here to do the dishes and take out the trash. I am not claiming to have done a lot of that when he wasn’t here, but it has been nice to not think about it at all. It’s been really nice. It’s been incredible actually.
Tomorrow night, it all comes to a swift halt. A couple days ago, Doug’s new boss told him that he has a project to place him on now and he would hit the road this week or next. Late yesterday, he found out he has all the super duper special approvals needed to book travel last minute and go this week. I knew this day was coming, but I have so enjoyed the help in running our daughter around. I’ve probably taken advantage too much of it, because I have needed a little time to re-assimilate into regular life after the campaigning. This isn’t the easiest thing I’ve ever done, given the fact that I am forever changed as a person after this experience. I have so many questions about what the future will hold and how I will change the world. Douglas has been patient mostly. I am forever indebted to him for that.
The thing about living with a road warrior is there is at least a little change going on all the time. I am used to it, but I also got used to him being here more than not over the last year. I’ve had emotional ups and downs, occasionally, over the years, but mostly I have tried to take it in stride. I embrace that our life is our own and it works for us. It definitely isn’t for everyone. We do get to take cool vacations from time to time with the hotel points and frequent flyer miles he has racked up. It allows us space to breath as a couple and not grow weary of the other’s bad habits so quickly.
So now he packs and will fly off into the great blue yonder tomorrow. It is time that I get back into my morning routine of taking Dalty Ru to school. I have missed our morning chats. It’s back to more carefully planning my own calendar in conjunction with hers. And oops….I just remembered that I am out of town this week for work for a couple days. I’ll figure it out. I hope the return to reality will help to clarify what is next for me… you know in the grand scheme of things. I hope Doug finds a fulfilling, refreshing project in Michigan this week, as well as a lovely room at a Marriott where the sheets are clean and the phone has an At Your Service button. It’s the little things, right?
So here’s to getting back to the real world and embracing change! Cheers!
P.S. How long do you think it will take for her to go back to thinking I am the worst parent ever once he is on the road? It’s been nice to get some love because someone else said “NO!”