What’re We Gonna Do Today? A, B, C’s for Summer Fun


School’s out! For me these words have always ushered in my favorite time of the year. The kids were home and we had lots of unstructured family time. “What’re we gonna do today?” wasn’t usually a problem because there were always enough camps, ballgames, and church activities to keep us busy, so time to sleep late, read, and play at home was welcomed. But, there were still days we wanted to mix it up and do something out of the ordinary.

There are several great posts lined up on the blog this summer that will give more in-depth and focused articles and lists of things to do, so today’s post is an A-Z list to get you started, spark your imagination, give you some ideas, and perhaps suggest some nearby attractions that are new to you or that might not have come to mind lately.

Keep in mind that the past two years “we shall not speak of” may have brought changes to some of the places listed, so always look at the website or call first to check them out ahead of time before packing up the fam and heading out on an adventure. And, as always, realize that some of the things listed may include hazards, so please do your homework before you embark. And, after your prep is done, Have So Much Fun!

A. Auburn University Arboretum (Auburn, AL)

American Village (Montevallo, AL)

Alabama Archives and History Department (Montgomery, AL)

Do an Alphabet scavenger hunt

B. Biblical History Center (LaGrange, AL)

Baseball games: Atlanta Braves, Montgomery Biscuits

Butterflies-Cecil B. Day Butterfly Center at Callaway Gardens

Barber Vintage Motorsports Museum (Birmingham, AL)

Blow bubbles

Build a treehouse

Bake cookies


C. City Market Saturdays (Auburn, AL)

The Columbus Museum-Children’s interactive floor (Columbus, GA)

Civil Rights District/Civil Rights Memorial (Montgomery, AL)

Coca Cola Space Science Center (Columbus, GA)

World Of Coca Cola Museum (Atlanta, GA)

Construct a Cardboard box Castle

Build a house of Cards

Play Cards


D. Desoto Caverns (Childersburg, AL)

Delta Flight Museum (Atlanta, GA)

Do Tie-Dye T-shirts

“Drive in movie” make cardboard box cars

Build a Domino creation and/or have your own Domino masters competition

Play Dominoes


E. Environmental Learning Center at Oxbow Meadows (Columbus, GA) (reading days/summer exploration activities/film festivals/pollinator celebration July 9th)

Ecology CampKreher Preserve and Nature Center

Have an “Everyone Eat your favorite foods day”


F. Flint RiverQuarium (Albany, GA)

Fernbank Science Center and Planetarium (Atlanta, GA)

Fernbank Museum of Natural History (Atlanta, GA)

Make and Fly paper airplanes

“What’re we gonna do today?” Fix-it day around the house

Fun Friday


G. Georgia Aquarium (Atlanta, GA)

Columbus Botanical Gardens (Columbus, GA)

Birmingham Botanical Gardens (Birmingham, AL)

Callaway Gardens (Pine Mountain, GA)

Decorate a flower pot and Grow a plant

Give a neighbor a Gift


H. Hike: Chewacla (Auburn, AL), Pine Mountain (Pine Mountain, GA), FDR State Park (Pine Mountain, GA)

Hem a garment (learn to sew by Hand)

Handprint a mural with washable paint


I. National Infantry Museum (Columbus, GA)-Summer kids camps, movies, family friendly activities, interactive exhibits/simulators

Visit Bluebell Ice Cream shop/creamery (Sylacauga, AL)

Make Ice Cream

Invent a Rube-Goldberg/Heath Robinson machine

Make an Invitation and send to a friend for a meal or play date


J. Learn to Juggle

Embroider an old pair of Jeans


K. Kreher Preserve and Nature Center (Auburn, AL)

Learn to read a map Key

Start a Key collection


L. Visit the Library (check out books, do learning challenges, puppet shows, movies, craft times, special guest talks, hobby days)

Learn a new skill

Leave surprises for family members (good surprises ;))


M. Museum of East Alabama (Opelika, AL)

McWane Science Center (Birmingham, AL)

Montgomery Museum of Fine Arts (Montgomery, AL)

(Galleries, outdoor spaces, Artworks interactive gallery, food on site but picnics welcomed, closed on Mondays)

Museum of Arts & Sciences (Macon, GA) (Check calendar there’s lots to do)

Still wondering, “What’re we gonna do today?” Make a craft

Hunt for local Murals

Have a Mixed-up day and eat dinner for breakfast, breakfast for dinner, etc.

Make and follow a Maze


N. Get out in Nature

Be especially Nice to everyone

Make sure your room is Neat


O. Oak Mountain State Park (Pelham, AL)

Have an Opposites day

Make an Obstacle course


P. Providence Canyon State Park (Lumpkin, GA)

Go to a Planetarium (call first for information, some closings and limited hours)

Look at the Planets with binoculars or a telescope

Watch the Perseid Meteor shower July 14-Aug. 24 ( Peak August 11-12)

Play with your siblings

Need more ideas for “What’re we gonna do today?” Help your Parents around the house

Pop Popcorn

Go to a Park


Q. Have a Quiz day with prizes

Go on a Quest to find treasure, or knowledge, or whatever your family decides

Have a Question day and get to know your neighbors, family, friends

Watch an EQuestrian event


R. Rosa Parks Museum and Children’s Wing (Montgomery,AL)

Columbus Riverwalk (Columbus, GA) Biking/picnicking/parks/splashpad

Raptor Show at Callaway Gardens and check out the Auburn University Raptor Center for special programs

Start a Rock Collection

Read a book aloud as a family

Run a mile on the track or at the park


S. Alabama Sports Hall of Fame and Museum (Birmingham, AL)

Silly Dress-up day

Have a Sing everything day

Slip and Slide in the back yard

Go see Snakes at the zoo


T. Tellus Science Museum (Cartersville, GA)

Tuskegee Airmen National Historic Site (Tuskegee, AL)-Two hangers and outside exhibits-open Friday’s and Saturday’s only

Tubman African American Museum (Macon, GA)

Thronoteeska Heritage Center (Albany, GA) Thursday-Saturday only

Have a “Try Something New” Day

Teach your pet a new Trick

Tell a story to someone

Try a new language


U. Look Up into the trees, the stars, the air

Clean Under your bed

Make the Ultimate ice cream sundae


V. Attend Vacation Bible School

Plan a Vacation

Have a Very, Very, Very good day


W. Historic Westville (Columbus, GA)

Take a Walk together

Weave a mat or pot holder

A good answer for, “What’re we gonna do today?” Have a “Work without complaining” day


X. Have an EXtra Day-extra helpings, extra time to read, extra hugs

EXamine things under a magnifying glass or microscope

Measure EXactly how tall you are

Bake something with a flavored EXtract today

Play a Xylophone


Y. Go treasure hunting at a Yard Sale

Wear Yellow all day

Eat only Yellow foods all day


Z. Go to the Zoo (Montgomery, Birmingham, Atlanta)

Go Zip-lining

Use zig-zag craft scissors to make something


Well, there you have a list to get you started. Use your imagination! And stay tuned for good posts from the blog for more ideas and more information.


Happy Summer!

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Next articleIndoor Fun to Beat The Summer Heat
Beverly Smith
With three adult kids, one daughter-in-love, and two elementary school grandkids, Beverly stays busy keeping up with her family and loves it. She likes to learn new things, be outdoors, and travel. You can frequently find her running, reading a good book, or watching movies, crime dramas, and Auburn football. She met her husband Kent at Troy University and they moved to Auburn one month after they were married. Originally a Medical Technologist, she obtained a second degree from Auburn University's School of Education and taught Physical Science and Biology at Opelika High School until she decided to become a full time mom. If you ask her what she wants to be when she grows up, she'll say, "A writer for children." She has written preschool activities curriculum and is currently writing middle grade fiction.