It’s hard to believe I have been with my [active duty] marine for seven years now. In those quick passing years, we have gone from being in a long-distance dating relationship, to being long(er)-distance fiancés, to finally married/still living apart, to FINALLY living together as a married couple (we have only “lived” together maybe three-ish years consecutively together). Three moves (PCS), promotions, deployments, reenlistments, ITX after ITX, and the list can go on and on. We’ve experienced a lot when it comes to military life. I’ve learned so much in the last seven years about being a military spouse and the military community.
My husband’s current orders have him serving as a local recruiter (it’s awful if you were wondering). This places us more than 50+ miles to the nearest military base. Military life can be isolating, even more so when living in a town with little military presence. Often spouses are expected to “put on your big girl panties”, “just deal with it”, or (fighting words in the recruiter spouse world)…”it is what you make it” when things are less than ideal.
However, it is extremely important to listen to and support local military spouses. When military families feel supported, they are able to better support their military spouse. So, how can you support a local military spouse?
Here is a list of ways you can show your support for local military spouses.
1.Pray for them.
We are called to love and support one another. It is comforting knowing someone else is covering you in prayer. Military members and their families are honored on special days, but their service makes a difference in our lives every day. Pray for them often.
2. Be sympathetic.
Speaking from seven years of experience, the military doesn’t care about anything much other than the job the service member is providing. Family, not really. Friends, NOPE. A military spouse can experience some frustrating, exhausting, and sad days. Be present. Listen to them. It helps to just vent some days, even if you have no understanding of the military lifestyle, be a listening ear.
3. Treat them.
While juggling kids or just life in general and a spouse who is deployed or frequently absent, it can feel like you’re continuously providing for and taking care of others. It often seems like no one is taking care of you. A small gesture really goes a long way. A handwritten letter or watching the kids for a few hours can be a great way to treat a local military spouse.
4. Shop small
Military spouses are continuously having to transition and modify their careers wherever the military sends them throughout the years. This typically leads to military spouse-owned businesses. Help support their families by shopping small. Shop veteran-owned. Share that post, buy that oil, support that spouse. There is power in your wallet as your voice of support.
These are just a few ways you can begin to show your support, starting right now. Military life can be confusing for civilians to understand. These are simple ways you can be a blessing to a military spouse without knowing anything “military” related. I am so grateful for the ways my family and friends have helped me stay positive through this journey.
Is there a military spouse in your life? What are ways you can begin supporting them?