Those who attended the Auburn-Opelika Moms Blog Moms' Night Out event were treated to fun braids at a braid bar sponsored by a few amazing ladies from Platinum. Nikki, Chasity, and Madison all do beautiful work, and our local...
I'll admit that some of my pre-motherhood fear was triggered by the fact that I couldn’t keep a single houseplant alive. Not even a succulent. Trip after trip to Home Depot, I would walk in hopeful that this was...
As the summer starts winding down,
As school starts back at the beginning of August,
As the temperature starts to drop - wait a minute - we are in Alabama so that doesn't happen...
But one thing is for sure, in the...
The 3rd Annual Christmas Village is HERE!
Entry fee is a suggested $3 donation.
Proceeds will go to Women's Hope Medical Clinic in Auburn.
Friday, October 25th 5pm - 8pm
Over 55 vendors
Complimentary sweets and coffee provided by American Force...
Parenting can be HARD. WORK. It's not a joke. But it can be ESPECIALLY hard if you've got a kiddo who pushes your buttons.
You know...
The child who hates doing chores.
The child who whines.
The child who is so difficult to...
Since conception, Colt always wanted to be on the move. He would roll, kick and stretch constantly while in utero. He was already trying to lift his head up shortly after birth and hated to be swaddled. He practically...