Becoming a mom is like entering a whole new galaxy. You knew it existed. You had heard about it, but you really couldn’t comprehend it until you actually got there. It’s full of love and excitement, while also being exhausting and overwhelming.
On top of all of that, motherhood is a strange new realm where you have a tiny stalker constantly following you around. Night and day, you’re never alone. In yet, motherhood can make you feel more isolated and alone than you have ever felt before in your life. Talk about an oxymoron.
Everyone talks about how, “It takes a village.” Significant others, grandparents, and close friends play a monumental role in surviving those first few weeks of motherhood. But, “The Village’s,” main concern is helping you care for that adorable bundle of joy who was recently introduced into the world. Now I am by no means knocking, “The Village.” “The Village,” is essential to your baby’s survival and your sanity.
At some point Mama needs more than, “The Village.”
Mama needs someone who they can vent to at 2:00 a.m. during the middle of the night feeding session because she too is up attempting to calm an unruly tiny human.
Mama needs someone who can lend her an extra diaper while out at the park, because Mama has Mom-brain, so she forgot to pack more diapers as she was rushing out the door with a screaming, darling baby safely restrained in a bulky, hard to maneuver car seat.
Mama needs someone who won’t judge her for all of the baby bodily fluids on her shirt, but instead compare to see what the spit-up stain patterns look like, kind of like cloud watching but way less romantic.
Enter the Mom Squad, Mom Tribe, Momtourage, or [my personal favorite] the Mom Mob: an elite group of moms who are shadowed by miniature groupies that like to play, eat, sleep, and pitch fits together. Although it is convenient that the groupies can intermingle and entertain one another, the highlight of this mutually beneficial relationship is the supportive, understanding bond between women.
A mom’s need for this fellowship of women, is often overlooked. It is easy to get so caught up in keeping your tiny humans alive and entertained, that you forget about your own need for companionship.
The beauty of finding your community of moms is that you and your little one benefit from these friendships, not just you.
In my five short months as a mama, I have managed to develop friendships with an amazing group of women. None of us knew each other before having kids, and we probably wouldn’t have ever met if it weren’t for the fact that we are moms. We skipped right over the formalities of knowing each other’s personal history and jumped right into forming special bonds while wiping baby butts together.
So here is my secret for finding your crew: Don’t be afraid to make the first move! It is that simple. It really isn’t creepy to exchange phone numbers with a mom you met on the local Facebook mom group. It also isn’t creepy to strike up a conversation with the mom you met at the grocery store. Just ask her out. The worst she can say is no, but more than likely she’s just like you: a mom looking for mom friends.
Finding mom friends is sometimes as intimidating as dating, which is why the Auburn-Opelika Moms Blog will be hosting a Mom Speed Dating event to bring local moms together to mingle and relax! If you’re wondering what the heck Mom Speed Dating is, well it’s just what it sounds like: moms gathering around tables spending a few minutes chatting before shuffling to meet another mom. Add in some giveaways, drinks, and snacks for a unique and fun Mom’s Night Out!
Be on the lookout – more details coming soon!