Never in a million years would I have guessed that this is what motherhood is like. Sure, I’ve dreamed about it, anticipated it, planned for it, and waited, but you just really don’t know what motherhood will actually be like until you’re in it, until you’ve arrived.
The moment that I became a mom, the moment that my son was born, I had this undeniable feeling that I had arrived.
I had arrived to my dream.
I had arrived to my destiny.
I had arrived to what I’ve been called to.
I had arrived to what I’ve been made for.
And now that I have a two year old and a three month old, I still feel like I’m living my dream.
But having arrived looks different with each new season of life.
My days are filled with caring for a baby, wrangling a toddler, doing the dishes, folding the laundry, running a business, and finding time to exercise.
You know what I mean.
“Early mornings and late nights” feels like my mantra for life right now, which I’m used to thanks to grad school.
Some things never change, I guess.
But despite the crazy schedule, the never-ending to do list, the messy house, the projects that never get finished, and the desire for more time, life doesn’t really get better than this. It truly is a dream.
We could sit here and wish that things were different. We could wish we had more time to ourselves. We could wish we had more alone time with our spouse. We could wish for an easier routine and a more flexible schedule. We could wish for more time to sleep (and actually dream, ha) and less diapers.
But instead, why not embrace it? Why not soak in this goodness of motherhood?
I know, because I’ve already felt this way in my own motherhood, that we will one day wish for time to stop.
We will wish that our children won’t grow up, that we have a noisy house full of laughing children, that we’ve got a messy kitchen because of all the mouths to feed, that we’ve got loads of laundry because “we were just having fun in the mud.”
Instead of wishing it away, instead of dreaming for more routine and structure, let’s cling onto these moments that we have right before us.
It’s so easy to be forward moving and future thinking, but do yourself a favor mama: stop… and take it all in because these moments will, indeed, pass. Live the dream while you’re in it.