What do you get for your husband for Father’s Day from your son? It was my first time getting my husband something from my son so the pressure was on. I landed on memories. My man has such a tender sentimental heart. He mentions often how our son is growing up too fast. So I made sure to give him something that helps him remember how little our boy is and the memories of his first year. I dipped my son’s hands and feet in blue paint and pressed them on to card stock. It was messier than I anticipated but that’s part of the fun right?! I wanted to write my son’s Papa a letter from my son, Billy’s perspective. I had no idea where to begin so I just wrote the first thing that came to mind and figured I could always go back and reword it. So when I began to type it just flowed. Here is what I wrote:
Remember me so small And I’ll remember you so tall
remember my face so merry
and I’ll remember yours so hairy
remember when you had to handle me with such care
and I’ll remember you always being there
remember when i first laughed…
and when i always passed gas
I’ll remember sleeping on your belly
and i know you’ll remember me pooping on you…cuz it was so smelly
remember my curiosity about our puppies
and I’ll remember how y’all were the best buddies
remember when you found out you were having a son
and I’ll remember when God said i was the one.
After reading this through these were not just my words. These words were what God put in my head because it was way too perfect to have just come from me. Just to give you a little more context: We lost all three of our dogs within 7 months after my son was born. It was one of the hardest things my husband and I have gone through. I remember during pregnancy and labor I had 4 fractures in my back so to say my husband did everything just doesn’t even touch what he did for my son, dogs, and myself. He was always there. God put this man in my life because he knew how selfless he was. I felt like this was the best gift! I really set myself up for failure for future Father’s Day gifts. How am I going to top that! I hope you all had a great day celebrating your dad and your husband!