Right now is probably the BEST time you have for getting potty training done with your toddler.
We’re stuck in quarantine. We’re stuck home with our kids. We will likely not have another opportunity like this one to knock potty training off of our to do list.
Here are five benefits to potty training during this time of quarantine:
#1 It’s on your to do list
Whether you dread it or not (most of us do actually dread it), if you have a toddler, potty training is likely on your to do list, or at least in the back of your mind.
We can nag over this awful “to do” until we finally decide to jump on the band wagon and just get it done.
Or we may even “forget” that this part of parenting is on our to do list. Yet, we know that we are going to need to get with the program and get our child into big boy undies.
Why not get on with it already? I mean, we will eventually at some point or another need to potty train our kiddo. Not all of us are like the lucky mom next door who’s daughter potty trained herself… in a day.
So let’s put on our big girl pants and get on with the show already!
#2 Potty training takes time, and you’ve got the time
Unlike your lucky neighbor next door, it usually does take more than a day to potty train your child.
Instead of fretting about the length of time it will take, look at the positives:
Right now, you may be home with your kids throughout the week, and you may be able to swing this whole potty training thing. While your schedule looks different than it typically does, your days are a heck of a lot more flexible than they typically are. You can definitely make it work, and then be done with it!
With the bonus of that extra time, you can focus on getting your toddler potty trained + being independent in the bathroom: pulling up and down shorts, wiping, flushing, washing hands, etc.
While it’s great to get your kid out of diapers, it’s a whole other ballgame to have your child be able to independently walk into the bathroom, do his thing, and clean up. This independence is really the gold pot at the end of the rainbow.
When we talk about potty training our child, this is really what we are envisioning: that independence, our child being able to handle the potty all by himself, us having those moments of freedom.
Why not take this opportunity of being at home with our kids and make good use of our time? Not only can we teach them to wear big kid undies and go peepee on the potty; we can also teach them all of the bathroom etiquette.
#3 Everyone else is doing it
I’m not one to follow the crowd, but the parents who are potty training their child during quarantine may be on to something brilliant.
We’ve already talked about having that extra (or flexible) time on our hands, so let’s focus on the outcome: a successfully potty trained toddler.
There are two truths to this whole potty training thing: 1) We will need to potty train our child, and 2) our child will, at some point or another, be successfully potty trained.
So, what are my thoughts on these wise parents who are potty training their child during this time of quarantine? They’ve got it figured out!
During this time of social isolation and quarantine, we could start potty training, get finished, and have a successfully potty trained toddler by the end of it all.
Yes, please!
#4 Success during quarantine
Like I just mentioned above, by the end of this time of quarantine, we could have a successfully potty trained toddler.
If we are thinking about beginning potty training now, this really is the goal here. Because, by the time we are able to get out and about and get on with a new normal of life, we definitely will not want to mess with potty training.
Who’s got time for that when you’re visiting family and friends you haven’t seen in weeks or even months, you’re out shopping at your favorite boutique, or you’re eating at your favorite restaurant?
Get done with it now so you can get on with your life later!
#5 Be done with diapers and save that money
There’s a lot of uncertainty for many of us now that work has been cut and we are questioning job security. Getting your child potty trained can save you some much needed cash that adds up over time.
If your child goes through two boxes of diapers a month, that’s a savings of at least $50 per month, not including baby wipes. It sure would be nice to save that cash each month.
Or, if it’s doable with your budget, you can have a little more fun with that cash once the quarantine is over. How about a date night with your spouse? A massage? A fresh haircut? You could really celebrate!
Think about the positives of this time of quarantine… you could knock potty training off of your to do list!
Read more from the author here.