There’s a scary part to potty training, you say?
Yes, yes there is. At least that’s the way it is for a lot of moms.
I could give you a whole list of things about potty training that a lot of moms fret about, which delays them from jumping into the process or eats at their confidence with the whole experience.
These are the things we worry about, but we do overcome them. Here are a few of our worry-inducing enemies of potty training:
Yep, that’s a big one. Who likes to clean up pee puddles? Even worse, what if my kid poops on the sofa? No thanks.
The How-To.
How do I do this? I’m not so certain on how to begin, so I’ll just give it some more time… and more time… and more time.
I’ve spent all of this time teaching toileting, my kid better not lose those skills down the road. Do you notice yourself already thinking about the what-ifs for events that haven’t even occurred yet?
Daycare and School.
What does potty training even look like when my child is in daycare full-time? Maybe my child will learn on her own.
All of these variables and factors can feel intimidating and scary, and the list could go on. But you know there’s more to the story here.
The scariest part of potty training is not the accidents, the regressions, accommodating for different situations and factors like school, or figuring out your process and method.
The scariest part of potty training is the comparison game we play in our minds about potty training. Of course this can happen before, during, and after your potty training journey, and you’ll likely experience it during at least one point of the process.
It looks like this…
You feel late to the game because your sister, friend, and neighbor have already potty trained their kids.
You search the internet and hear from others that it only took their kids three days to be potty trained. For you, it’s been two weeks and your kid still hasn’t gotten it.
You have thoughts that dish out statements like, “it’s so easy for them,” “their kids are better learners,” “I’m not as patient or as equipped as that mom is.”
Oh no, your kid is having accidents, regressions, or is struggling with the poop part. And you hear yourself say, “I’ve failed.” See that big jump you made in your thought process?
Let me tell you something. Comparison is a thief to joy. Comparison is a thief to achievement. It’s like your thoughts – who are supposed to be your best gal friend – are stabbing you in the back and kicking you when you’re already down.
My advice? Don’t let it. Don’t let your thoughts rob you of your joy, your journey, and your success.
Because here’s the truth. Your child will be potty trained. Your child will eventually wear underwear to daycare. Your child will overcome those regressions. You will get your child potty trained.
The process can look different for everyone. The timeline can be different for everyone. The how-to may be different for everyone. So comparing your situation to your sister’s, your friend’s, your neighbor’s, or a stranger’s is, frankly, not worth your time.
And the worst part of comparison and what makes comparison the real scary-culprit is that it’s ready to aim and fire at you at any moment, especially when you’re down, struggling, and tired. Comparison is making you feel like “not enough.” You’re not good enough, not smart enough, not prepared enough.
How can you find success when you feel “not enough”?
You can overcome all of the potty stuff. There are resources out there to help you get through the thick of it. But this comparison thing, that’s the real monster to potty training.