Beverly Smith

Beverly Smith
With three adult kids, one daughter-in-love, and two elementary school grandkids, Beverly stays busy keeping up with her family and loves it. She likes to learn new things, be outdoors, and travel. You can frequently find her running, reading a good book, or watching movies, crime dramas, and Auburn football. She met her husband Kent at Troy University and they moved to Auburn one month after they were married. Originally a Medical Technologist, she obtained a second degree from Auburn University's School of Education and taught Physical Science and Biology at Opelika High School until she decided to become a full time mom. If you ask her what she wants to be when she grows up, she'll say, "A writer for children." She has written preschool activities curriculum and is currently writing middle grade fiction.

Playing My Daddy’s Guitar Makes Me Smile

I've been playing my daddy's guitar this week and it makes me smile. I'd been putting it off. Sadness, and, if I'm honest, a little bit of anger contributed to my reluctance to pick...

Here There Be Dragons So What About Happily Ever After?

One of my favorite birthday gifts the Middle One ever received was a pillow case with a Sandra Boynton illustration of a tiny knight, sword in hand, facing a huge dragon. The caption read,...

This Two Shall Pass So Cherish the Moments While They Last

"Help me! Help me!” His pleas were not ones of panic or pain but rather an impassioned request for assistance in escaping time out. He looked up at me, his eyes expressing the injustice...

“What We’ve Got Here Is Failure to Communicate”

When The Middle One was about four, we became concerned that he had a hearing problem. He was eager to comply with our requests and instructions, but a significant portion of the time when...

Let’s Go Camping for Vacation This Year

"Let's go camping for vacation this year!" I was five months pregnant with the Middle One. The oldest was two. Kent and I hadn’t been camping since the first year we were married. We'd...

“What Ya Got To Eat?”

Krista and her family lived down the street from us when she was in about first grade. At the time, our kids ranged in age from 5-10 years old. She'd often come down to...

Who Are Those Masked People In Your Neighborhood?

"Definition of promenade 1: a place for strolling 2: a leisurely walk or ride especially in a public place for pleasure or display Daylight Saving Time begins Sunday, March 14....let's celebrate the light with an official afternoon...

Why Did The Chicken Cross The Road?

"Grandma, why did the chicken cross the road?" Her face is precious and she's about to burst to tell me the punch line. A four year old's humor is so much fun. They're just...

Peace, Love, Forgiveness and Mending Broken Hearts

I spoke with my dad on a Friday a few weeks ago and he was fine. Over that weekend I got two emails from him that sounded strange and I called him Sunday night...

I Wish You Christmas

When they were small, our kids always loved participating in musicals at church. I remember one year our oldest was chosen to be a character in a Christmas musical about two grandparents and their...