Lauren Sergeant

Lauren Sergeant
Lauren is 28 years old, married to Nathan, and mother to Levi (born June 2014). She grew up in Orange County, California but now lives in Opelika, Alabama. She has a B.A. in International Studies and works as a leasing consultant. Lauren enjoys spending time with her family, gaming with friends, writing, reading, and crocheting. She is also passionate about instilling greater understanding of mental illness, particularly in the Church. To her, there is so much hope to be gleaned from a relationship with Christ and a community of believers, for mental illness and otherwise. Her deepest desire is to love God and to love others and to see that hope through to its end. She sees in the world so many opportunities to relish, and she hopes to impart this joy to her son and to those around her.

Reaching into the Dark: How to Help a Mom with Mental Illness

I just read an article about how the Church can help those who struggle with depression. I appreciated Garrick D. Conner’s input into the conversation about mental health issues in the Church, as his...

Life Lessons for My Son: Part 1

My son, Levi, is approaching his fifth birthday, and I’ve been thinking recently about what I want to communicate to him as he grows older. There’s a lot. The thing is, I remember being...

3 Ways Not to Lose Yourself in Motherhood

I don’t know about other moms, but I’ve always feared losing myself in motherhood. Maybe it’s the fact I’ve always struggled with identity issues. In the course of therapy and figuring out my mental...

I Love You More: A Story of Mothering with Mental Illness

I am a mother who struggles with mental illness. I grapple every day with questions much too deep for me to understand, and I fight my feelings with all I have in me to...

My Mother-in-Law and Paper Plates

The new year is officially underway, and Christmas seems long ago for many of us. Some are pleased to have the holidays out of the way for another year, while others look back with...