But I’m Tech Savvy…


I usually have a new iPhone and I use the latest iPad for work. I believe I have had a newer cell phone since I have been in my career. Of course I did not grow up with cell phones, unless you want to count the Cellular One “bag phone” that made free calls on the weekends! I did not grow up with social media either!

My kids enjoy an iPad or a cell phone. There is so much they can do with them and they are really creative with the movies they make. I love seeing what they can create. So I am aware that I am NOT as savvy as I would like to be with some things on the devices or social media.

I laugh at myself even doing the “Takeover Tuesday” for Auburn-Opelika Moms because I had never posted a story or posted on my story as I should say.

I really laughed at myself when I received a text message from my 16 year old son a few months ago. I usually send him messages or reminders, but I quickly looked at his message because he doesn’t send me many texts. I am new to TikTok but I enjoy the cooking hacks and animal videos. I have made a few posts on TikTok and I’m not sure what I keep doing wrong but two of my posts have been taken down due to community guidelines standards. I was really confused because I have seen some pretty questionable things on this site and I did not feel like my little videos that had my kids in them were violating anything. Oh well- I certainly did not care and was not seeking likes. It’s just for fun!

Back to the text from my son…apparently when I was looking for his account on TikTok so that I could “follow” him, I accidentally followed his ex-girlfriend instead. OOPS! She got a notification that I was following her and she texted him to make him aware. I assume that he was extremely embarrassed. I handled it and followed the trail of how I thought I had found him on the site and “unfollowed” the ex-girlfriend.

It made me think of how often I embarrass my kids not just in real life but online. My younger kids do not care as much YET and they would probably make a TikTok with me. They don’t care if I post pictures of them on my social media pages but my 17 yr old is another story. I was trying to remember when it changed and he crossed over from “I don’t care and it might be cool” to “NEVER”! I was no longer allowed to post pictures of him online. I do not feel like I post things frequently. Sometimes I wish that it would not be a fight and I could post a family picture so that our relatives could see us, especially during the COVID period. I did post some family pictures then and just cropped his head off.

Eventually the photo above will just be 4 sets of torsos and feet.