Silver Lining List: Free Printable


Whew! I don’t know about y’all, but if I read one more email or Facebook article with something deep about this virus, I may curl up in a ball and cry.  It’s such a delicate balance of being proactive to stay informed but also clinging onto the truths of the Word to avoid being flooded with fear.  As a family, we are doing everything in our power to stay clean, healthy, and distanced, but sometimes, it all just feels a bit much. Yes, the entire situation is serious and commands discipline, obedience, and prayer, but there are ways we can commit to finding joy. So, we decided to make a Silver Lining List, a “bucket list” of sorts for this time at home. Below, you will find a link to a freebie download. We posted ours on our fridge based on a few things we can to accomplish as a family: some simple, some fun, some chore-based, some not. The goal is to come out on the other side of this with a few memories, a stronger bond, and a deeper sense of how to celebrate small victories. 


A few examples of what we put on ours: 

-paint the piano

-play outside

-watch entire Bourne franchise

-go on a family walk

-create a spring-themed craft

-FaceTime family

-clean out guest closet

-plant a new tree


Go find your silver lining 🙂

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Leigh Ann Parker
Leigh Ann Parker is a recovering self-declared non-domestic woman passionate about creating an environment where her husband (Cody) and son (Sully) feel loved and supported. While that should probably look like a home-cooked meal or a clean house, it is usually through a dance party, made-up game, or delivery pizza. A former elementary teacher and technology integration specialist, now stay-at-home mom, she spends her time building memories through play, creating digital resources for families, and getting as many smiles from her Sully as possible. Motherhood has brought Leigh Ann more joy than she could have ever imagined, both in the biggest and smallest of ways!