What do you want for Valentine’s Day? Are you thinking about what you would like or have you made plans already? I am going to start out by confessing: I think Valentine’s Day is over commercialized! Okay, I know I said that aloud but I seriously believe that while flowers and chocolate are great, I would not feel unloved if I do not receive any or both for Valentine’s. Would you like to know what I would like instead? I am so glad you asked.
First, let me add here that I am a Ph.D. student, working part time, a budding entrepreneur, and with a 17-month old that is especially excited about every little thing. So, while flowers and chocolate might sound ideal, what I really want for valentine is some “me time.” Can I get an amen? It would be nice to have the bed to myself for a couple of hours, not having to worry about deadlines, school project, research work or even a clean counter top. As weird as that might sound, it would be really awesome if I get to sleep in with no interruptions. Don’t get me wrong, my husband constantly steps in to help and I am so proud of him. And maybe, that is why I planned a spontaneous mini-marriage conference get-away for us, where child care is provided. I figured it would be nice to also spend some quality time with the one I love.
Having said what I would want for Valentine’s Day, you are probably wondering what you would like. So, I decided to share some ideas of how this Valentine’s can feel special for you. I understand, not every mom wants to sleep in or go to a marriage conference, and you probably just want flowers and chocolate. I understand. So here are five things I think a lot of moms really want this Valentine’s Day. Or well, maybe not. Whether it is Valentine’s Day, Christmas or just any other day, I think every moms wants:
#1. To feel loved. Love is a verb. It is an action word, it is about matching your words with action. Every mom wants to feel like their kids and their spouse appreciates all that she does everyday. To achieve this, a simple note or card will go a long way to say “hey mom, you are loved!” It will definitely melt a mom’s heart to receive a hand made note or scribble from her child, or even her spouse. Also, a new mom is probably hoping she can get some extra help with the baby. Maybe she can sleep in and someone else can help with breastfeeding, right?
#2. To feel seen. I am telling you every mom wants to know that they are beautiful. I am a strong believer in affirmations and positive vibes. Telling a mom that she is beautiful makes her feel seen and acknowledged. It does not have to be announced from the roof top but even a whisper in her ears will do. Moms want to be noticed too.
#3. To be seen as the fun one. Apparently my child thinks it is most appropriate to say “mama” only when she is hungry or wants to be read to but goes to “Dada” for every other fun thing. I mean, I play basketball too. Well, I don’t mean that literally. But my child never hands me the ball, she goes straight to Dada for play and tickling on the floor. I can tickle too child! Ha! The joke is on me. Okay, I am done venting. Anyway, all I am saying is that moms want to be seen as the fun one too. Get the games out and for Valentine’s, let’s all just tickle each other and have fun. Just saying.
#4. To have breakfast in bed. Well, if you are a morning person, this may not apply to you because you are probably up before everyone else. If you are not a morning person, then I am speaking your language. Wouldn’t it be nice to wake to the smell of spicy hot tea (or coffee for our coffee lovers) and breakfast? I know I would be ecstatic! So, there’s my tip for you there dear dad – make breakfast.
#5. Text me all day. Yup, I want all that mushy stuff. Like text me every twenty minutes. Okay, I am joking. But I think moms would like to know that their spouses are thinking about them all day. Wouldn’t it be nice to get a beep on your phone and it is your spouse just texting to say hello?
Well, that’s my top 5 ways a spouse can make their wife feel extra special this Valentine’s. If you are a mom reading this, share with other moms and let’s get an amen on how we want to spend Valentine’s Day.
***Disclaimer: I love that my husband does a lot of the things I mentioned and it doesn’t even have to be Valentine’s Day. ***