What I’ve Learned about Myself During Quarantine


This time of social isolation and quarantine probably rocked any boat that you were in. And, if you’re like me, you probably learned a bit about yourself: what it is that you can actually accomplish, your strengths, your weaknesses (I like to call them areas of improvement), the things you need in your daily life so that you can thrive at motherhood.

During these past few months I have learned, or have been reminded of, some key areas of my life that can’t go ignored.

I need social interaction

I know you feel me on this one. While I really have enjoyed being at home, my need for social interaction was apparent. I love my children, and I love spending time with them, but sometimes us mamas (and humans in general) just need some adult conversation.

My husband has been working from home for the majority of the quarantine and this has been a life saver for me. Just being able to say, “Hi, how’s it going?” as I walk past his room where he is working has made social isolation much easier. And having small conversations with neighbors from a distance has also proven to help.

We have missed our friends, our church community, and our family. While technology and video calls have been good, they just don’t cut it. We need, I need, that in person social interaction.

I thrive on a routine, even in quarantine 

When life is crazy, always fall to your routine. That structure and consistency makes my day run so much more smoothly.

During this time of quarantine, I’ve had to create new routines and structures because life is simply different. I don’t take the kids to the grocery store, so my weekly routine has shifted just a bit; I now go to the grocery store on Saturdays by myself. For me, this is a blessing and a curse. It’s nice to have some alone time and move through that grocery store quickly, but I really dread having to take a chunk of my Saturday to do grocery shopping.

Because we are home, house chores are delegated to specific days and times of day. Following this routine and structure really allows me to accomplish the tasks that need to get done and then add in any new to-dos that I want to cross off my list.

Structure truly brings freedom.

I need time alone

On most days – yes, I do sleep through my alarm on some occasions – I get up before everyone else to have some quiet time and devoted time to exercise.

This time is sacred to me.

Over the years I have learned that waking my body up, waking my mind up, and getting in the right spirits for the day really prepares me and helps me start my day out on the right foot.

Since we are spending a lot more time at home with our family’s, having this alone time is really important and hard to come by. For me, mornings are the best time to get in my needed time and start the day. 

Fresh air has been my saving grace

When stuck inside, go outside.

I have said from the very beginning of quarantine that if it was winter and if I was living back in Kansas, I don’t think I would survive.

We’ve spent an amazing amount of time outside – I’ve got a wicked sandal tan line to prove it. My toddler and I get some space from each other, and the fresh air does the mind and body good.

From a mom and business owner perspective, I do my best thinking outside when I’m active; it’s like my thoughts, dreams, desires, and ideas can run wild.

The thought that keeps running through my mind is that I was born to be outside. Yes, even in this Alabama heat. It makes sense, though. I did spend a summer as a camp counselor living in a teepee in the Rocky Mountains.

Earth, you have truly helped me in this strange season we are in.

Even though I do need my social interaction, I have to say that I genuinely love and enjoy my home, and I have no problem not leaving it.

My home is my sanctuary. It’s filled with the people I love and the things I love.

During this time stuck at home I’ve been able to start and finish some house projects that I’ve been wanting to accomplish for a long time. Because I’m home all day every day, I want my home, every space within it, to be a place that I truly love.

Quarantine has given me the time and brain space to create and decorate my space.

It may sound crazy to some… I could stay here forever.

Taking the time to really reflect over myself and what I’ve learned during this strange season of life has been incredibly fruitful for me.

I know what I need as a person to thrive and be my best self. Because I know that, I can take that information with me wherever I am, in whatever season I am in to continue to grow as a person.

I urge you to reflect and think about what you’ve learned about yourself during this time because these simple truths may be the exact pieces of information that you need to flourish and be the exact mother, wife, and woman that you are destined to be. 

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