Me Time. It’s a phrase we hear a lot associated with motherhood. It’s an essential part of learning how to adapt to parenting but it’s a bit of a confusing phrase isn’t it?
I mean, what even is “me time?” At the beginning of motherhood, I thought Me time was any time I wasn’t actively parenting my child. Laundry, cleaning the house, taking a shower, cooking dinner,all of these things I considered Me time because I was doing them when my child was napping or after she went to bed.
It wasn’t too long before I snapped. Looking back it’s no wonder why, but at the time I was so confused. I got ME time so why did I feel so burnt out?
I finally realized that Me Time wasn’t simply any given second my child wasn’t with me. It was doing something that I actually enjoy that is just for me. I had a complete break down to my husband about how exhausted I was. I didn’t want to hurt his feelings, but I had to let him know that I felt like someone was constantly wanting something from me and at the end of the day, there was no me left for myself.
The next day when my daughter went down for a nap I didn’t do one single chore. I sat on my butt, ate some chips and watched a dumb reality TV show. At first, I felt guilty. There was laundry that needed to be folded and our bedroom could have used a run through with the vacuum, but I made myself stay in my seat.
When my daughter woke up I was so happy to see her! I felt rejuvinated and was ready to be a good mom. I decided then and there that naps are for me and I haven’t looked back sense.
Of course, all of the chores I mentioned earlier still need to be done. Instead of running myself ragged, I pick one or two 5-10 minute chores that are non baby friendly and do them at the beginning of my daughter’s naps. The rest of her sleep is for me to do whatever I feel like I need to do for me. It might be read a book, or do some Yoga. Sometimes it’s staring at a blank wall and letting my mind be still.
So to all you mom’s out there that think going to the grocery store alone is me time, it isn’t. You do so much for everyone else. You are a mom, a wife, a daughter, a friend, a sister, a pet mom, and countless other things to other people. You are also you, and you my friend, are important.
Take real Me Time doing whatever it is you enjoy doing, you won’t regret it.