Laura Lynn LaPointe

Laura Lynn LaPointe
Laura Lynn, a native of Kansas, is a proud wife, aunt, friend, Kansas Jayhawk basketball fan, Parent Coach & Child Behavior Consultant, and mama to her adorable children, John Paul (April 2018), Emily (February 2020), & Baby #3 due in May 2023. Laura Lynn began dating her husband, Michael, in January 2016 and quickly realized that when she said, "There's no place like home," she was no longer referring to Kansas as Auburn would become her permanent home. When she isn't playing on the floor or making John Paul & Emily laugh, Laura Lynn devotes her extra free time to her parent coaching business where she teaches parents on the BabySparks app through online classes and one-on-one session about child behavior, potty training, and parenthood. You can find Laura Lynn on the BabySparks app and on Facebook / Instagram @lauralynnlapointe.

Are We There Yet?

“Are we there yet?” As a child, I would ask my parents this question as we drove down the interstate from Kansas to Kentucky in our minivan to visit my paternal grandparents, aunts, uncles, and...

My Family’s New Year’s Resolution & Why It’s Different Than Most

So first off, I’m not a big fan of New Year's Resolutions. Don’t get me wrong; I’m all about bettering yourself, starting a new hobby, getting serious with a goal, and accomplishing something new...

Your Attitude of Gratitude Counts, Mama

Here we are already well into the holiday season, and I can’t help but find it ironic that my mind has been thinking a lot about gratitude.  Tis the season to be thankful, right? Here are...

Better Behavior in 3-2-1

I am hands down all about effective parenting strategies that are EASY to use and that actually WORK. And while most parents have this notion that parenting techniques that are backed by science are...

5 Reasons to Potty Train During Quarantine

Right now is probably the BEST time you have for getting potty training done with your toddler. We're stuck in quarantine. We're stuck home with our kids. We will likely not have another opportunity like...

Overcoming the Unexpected When Potty Training Your Own Kid

No one told me this was going to happen when potty training my own kid. No research article. No textbook. No blog post. No podcast episode. No social media post. Nothing. As a behavior analyst...

Homeschool: 3 Strategies for a Successful Homeschool Year

If you decided to go the homeschooling route, this post is for you. I’m sharing three important strategies you should incorporate into your daily homeschool routine to make it a smooth and easy transition. We...

What I’ve Learned about Myself During Quarantine

This time of social isolation and quarantine probably rocked any boat that you were in. And, if you’re like me, you probably learned a bit about yourself: what it is that you can actually...

One Beautiful Dream

Never in a million years would I have guessed that this is what motherhood is like. Sure, I've dreamed about it, anticipated it, planned for it, and waited, but you just really don't know...

Bringing Home Baby: Keeping Toddler Behavior at Bay

We brought home baby #2 in mid-February, and with a toddler at home, my parenting game has definitely changed. I needed to. There was no other option. Instead of having two on one (me and...