Lee King
A Peek into our Homeschool Life
I am currently wrapping up my fourth year as a Homeschool Mama. We started our Homeschool journey when my oldest child entered first grade. We researched and prayed and went to meetings at various...
King, Party of Five
Kyle and I made the decision early in our marriage that adoption would be part of our story. We assumed we would pursue an international adoption because the need is truly so great and...
Secrets from my Sensory Stash
If you are in the market for some fun and relatively inexpensive sensory options for your child, I have some tips for you! The internet is full of ideas concerning sensory play and products...
I Am Not Enough
We hear a lot about our ability, as mamas, to overcome the challenges of the day. We hear that we are enough for the children who have been entrusted to us. We are enough...
Magic in the Mess
In our home, we do not live in absolutes. We have really beautiful and life-giving moments and we have brutally hard moments that have been known to take our breath away. We now know...
My Journey Through Postpartum Anxiety
When it’s dark and it’s cold and I can’t feel my soul You are still good…
Those are lyrics to a song “You are Good” by Nichole Nordeman. I sang those words over and over...
How To Survive the Not So Typical Two’s
I want you to picture this moment with me...I am chatting with another mom who I have never laid eyes on and both of our sons are playing at our feet. She looks at...
Begin Again
The start of a new year always signals a sense of renewal and hope. All of a sudden we see ourselves as a project or a problem in need of fixing. We tend to...