Sarah Savage
To Santa or Not to Santa: Are We Lying to Our Kids?
I never believed in Santa Claus. My parents decided not to fully participate in that particular holiday tradition. My family watched all the fun holiday movies about Santa and classics like Rudolph the Red-Nosed...
Interview with Pediatric Occupational Therapist Jesse Bowen, MS, OTR/L
When we moved into our new house almost three years ago, I was so excited for the space, the natural light, and the blessing of owning my own home for the first time. I...
Décor-less Mom in a Pinterest World
My mother hates Halloween. I’ve trick or treated one time in my life and it was before a sleepover with a friend in middle school. I went dressed as an Indian woman and wore...
The Do-Over Delivery
First children are the “practice” children. The parents’ experiment. The guinea pig. I’m sure you’ve all heard variations of these jokes. We test our parenting strategies and work out the kinks on the first...
Invisible: Being a Stay At Home Mom in a Pandemic
My husband and I had a fight over a toy vacuum cleaner last week. It was supremely stupid. Our daughter had taken the vacuum outside while she and I were playing in the backyard...
Mama Don’t Play
This forced time at home with my toddler has revealed some things I didn’t know about myself. Okay, fine. Maybe deep down I knew some of them, but I wasn’t quite ready to admit...
Are you tired of making decisions? You’re not alone.
Ever get so fed up with making decisions that you just want someone to tell you what to do for the rest of your day? Or life. No judgement. Or you start out the...
Cracking Under Quarantine
I’m 20 weeks pregnant with a precious little boy the day that I’m writing this. I should be happy, but I’m not. I’m cracking under the weight of all this. The other morning my...
5 Tips for Parenting in the Midst of COVID-19
Just a short time ago, I was mentally preparing to lose an hour for Daylight Savings Time, rearrange my work schedule because preschool was closing for spring break, and thinking of ways to entertain...
LEAPS Mentoring is Having a Mother-Son Picnic
Last year I wrote about the LEAPS Mentoring Mother-Son Date Night with great anticipation. It was scheduled for March 2020 and along with most events last year, was cancelled when the world shut down...