After the shock of all the fallout of Covid began to set in and the realization of the life we were all thrust into with stay at home orders took hold, many people began to consider how to spend...
I’m 20 weeks pregnant with a precious little boy the day that I’m writing this. I should be happy, but I’m not. I’m cracking under the weight of all this. The other morning my husband asked me why I...
Just a short time ago, I was mentally preparing to lose an hour for Daylight Savings Time, rearrange my work schedule because preschool was closing for spring break, and thinking of ways to entertain my toddler while dealing with...
When the oldest was ten, we started reading The Hobbit aloud as a family. She listened enraptured, savoring every word. The middle one liked it as well. I remember the youngest, then five, doing forward rolls on the carpet...

Warning: Contagion

          Halloween has just come to and end, all the children are breathing a sigh of relief that the scary time of year is over. However, for moms (and dads) the most frightening time of...
I want to be that mom chasing her child through the yard, the mom hiking through a local state park with a baby on her back, or even just the mom that makes it home at the end of...
The school system may say that summer is over, but summer as a season is certainly not. We’ve still got a couple more months of long hot days that moms with preschoolers need to fill. Or just survive. Better...
I'm not as much of a Stars Wars fan as I could be but I admire the Jedi. When selecting a title this quote came smashing in to my mind, and it's appropriate so here we go. I have been...
        Lately I've been seeing a lot of posts on social media about people commenting on families. I've read countless stories of encounters with old ladies, old men, young moms and dads, and pretty much anyone in...
There was a time when I felt incredibly helpless. I found myself at home alone for ten days as my husband was away for work. I was constantly surrounded by my three-year-old and my three-month-old unless I could “escape” to...


Our Summer Survival Strategy

Summer is here whether I like it or not. Admittedly, it’s not my favorite season, but I’m both excited and a bit nervous about...

I’m Leaving

I love you Mommy