The Do-Over Delivery

First children are the “practice” children. The parents’ experiment. The guinea pig. I’m sure you’ve all heard variations of these jokes. We test our parenting strategies and work out the kinks on the first one, so we’ll do better...
Like you, I have been caught off guard in 2020 in many ways. No one likes to feel out of control, and especially not moms! We have the responsibility of keeping things running smoothly at home and for our...
Word, Strength" on a floral fabric background

A Spelling Lesson

If you’re like me, you have dozens of questions about raising your children. How do I get my baby to sleep through the night? Potty train? How do I teach my children to get along? Especially now during COVID,...
If you decided to go the homeschooling route, this post is for you. I’m sharing three important strategies you should incorporate into your daily homeschool routine to make it a smooth and easy transition. We all wished that things would...
My husband and I had a fight over a toy vacuum cleaner last week. It was supremely stupid. Our daughter had taken the vacuum outside while she and I were playing in the backyard earlier in the day, and...
Previously, I've written about summer day trips and day dates. I have been working on a list of places to take my kids in the coming season, and thought I would share my findings here. Many people are homeschooling...
Crying in the grocery store is frowned upon, but I’ve done my fair share. Once we knew the scope of our son's food allergies, most of our pantry staples had to go, and we were back to square one...
Hey fellow moms! Can you believe that (as I write this) we're approaching August at a rapid pace? This year has seemed so strange but back in January we had no idea what 2020 would have in store for...

But Then COVID

I'm a former teacher. I'd planned to write this post about students returning to school, or learning styles, or how to help your kids if they have to do Zoom classes. But then COVID. I saw a social media post...
The other day I was looking around my kitchen trying to figure out how in the world it had gotten this messy. I literally didn’t have any counter space. I needed to cook, yet I couldn’t find a clean...


Our Summer Survival Strategy

Summer is here whether I like it or not. Admittedly, it’s not my favorite season, but I’m both excited and a bit nervous about...

I’m Leaving

I love you Mommy