How often do you go through the drive-through on your way home from work? Is the grocery cart (usually) void of chocolate chip cookies and ice cream? When you’re thirsty, do you reach for water instead of pop? These lifestyle changes don’t come easy, and you should be proud of your efforts for every step you take toward improving your health.
But if you ever ask yourself “what else can I do to change my life for the better?” you may want to consider a vegetarian diet. While the thought of saying “bye bye” to burgers might send you into a meat-free frenzy, stay calm and read on. You may be surprised to learn how a vegetarian diet can help you achieve your fitness goals and lose the extra weight without losing your mind.
The following benefits of a vegetarian diet are meant to educate you and help you make lifestyle decisions that will enable you to become your best self. I should also note, I am a lacto-ovo vegetarian, meaning I do consume dairy and eggs (usually eggs only when they’re in a recipe) and I do not consume fish or meat.
May Help With Weight Loss. Plant-based foods are typically very low in calories and high in nutrients. They are voluminous, meaning they take up a lot of room in your stomach, keeping you full and reducing the likelihood of overeating.
Improved Heart Health. The high fiber content of most plant-based foods may protect against elevated cholesterol levels and diabetes. Fatty red meats and processed meats are generally high in saturated fat, which raises LDL (bad) cholesterol and increases the risk of coronary heart disease. Research has shown there’s a link between high fiber diets and increased protection against heart disease. The anti-inflammatory properties of fruits and veggies also lower inflammation, a root cause of heart disease.
More Nutrients. The kind and amount of food you eat affects the way you feel and how your body works. A healthy diet plays a big role in energy levels, your metabolism and is necessary for optimal physical and mental health. Plant-based foods supply antioxidants and nutrients that fight oxidative stress, reducing the progression and likelihood of disease. Studies have reported that vegetarian diets tend to provide more fiber, antioxidants and beneficial plant compounds. They also appear to be richer in potassium, magnesium, folate and vitamins A, C and E.
It’s Easy. I used to rely on ordering side dishes when eating at restaurants. “I’ll take a baked potato, side of cottage cheese and steamed broccoli, please.” Now, more than ever, restaurants and food companies are recognizing the demand for better health–and better food options.
Adapting a vegetarian diet doesn’t have to be an all or nothing decision. If the thought of giving up gourmet burgers sends you running (faster than you ever have on a treadmill) to the nearest pub, consider a more gradual approach. Incorporate meatless meals into your routine 2 times per week. Then increase it to 3 times per week and so on. Substitute your trip to the vending machine with a plant-based protein when your 4 p.m. sweet tooth screams. Food is fuel. When you nourish your body with high quality, nutrient dense foods, you will look and feel your best! A healthy diet, activity and rest will provide the results you’re after.