Kids Valentine’s Day Art Project


Valentine’s Day is all about sharing love. What better way to spread the love than with an easy art project for the kids!

This simple art project uses only four materials to create a piece of art that can be used as a place mat, to make a card, or on a bag for those sweet valentines. It is so easy to do that even younger children would be able to do with some assistance.

Heart shape cookie cutters – various sizes
White paper
Red, pink, purple, sliver or gold paint
Paper plates

How to create Valentines Heart Art:

1. Prep your surfaces. Cover with kraft paper or a plastic tablecloth to protect your table/counter top.

2. Spread paint onto small paper plates (1 color per plate).

3. Divide the cookie cutters among the colors.

4. Dip a heart shaped cookie cutter into the paint.

5. Stamp the heart cutter onto the paper 1-2 times then dip the cutter in the paint again. Continue until the paper is filled with hearts.

6. Choose the next color and repeat.

7. Repeat the stamping process until the paper is full or your child is satisfied.

* You can do this same process on a blank paper tote bag to create a cute Valentines bag.

Spread the love and share your kids art! Post a comment and let me know how it turns out.