You know to buy car seat and baby crib, but no one talks about other must have items for new moms. When you are pregnant or have a baby, you receive a myriad of advice. Some you use, some you don’t. As a first time mom, I quickly learned that the secret to a happy life is a happy, fed, and smiling baby. Well, maybe not a happy life, but to having some level of sanity. A non-crying, content baby is a win any day. I remember literally telling myself, I would give anything to have the sanity of a happy, healthy child. My little one was barely two weeks old, in fact we had barely settled in at home, when she had her first bout with a growth spurt. She cried non-stop that day and I thought I had broken her. Without exaggerating, I think I called her doctor’s office like every hour. Like seriously, I was confused. But thanks to a girlfriend of mine who came to the rescue. She was my “go-to-911” when I needed information as a new mom. She is on speed dial and she always has so much wisdom. She has three boys of own so this mom thing is not exactly new business to her. I love her though.
I know that everyone does not have the luxury of my speed dial friend, that is why I believe this post is important. Let me be your friend for today and provide five must have items for new moms. I understand the struggle, and I know it is real.
#1. Gripe Water – This will come in handy especially if your baby has stomach discomfort. Gripe water helps with digestion and colic caused by gas. My little one was so uncomfortable and I remember how calm she was after that first drop of Gripe Water. I encourage new moms and moms to-be to keep a bottle of Gripe water close. You can find them at any of the local stores in your neighborhood.
#2. Baby Nail Kit – Oh dear! Those tiny cute baby nails grow so fast, hun! You can barely finish saying scooby-dooby-do before they grow back. You definitely do not want your baby scratching up their face. Keep a nail clip around you. I felt like my little one’s nail grew every couple of days, and they were so sharp. I had hand mittens for her but she did not like to be covered, so she would literally fling the hand mitten off. So, clipping her nails regularly was my best option.
#3. Baby Tylenol – Okay, I am not a doctor so this post is by no means prescribing medicine. But from experience, I have learned that it helps to keep Infant Tylenol in the house.
#4. Boogie Bulb – The baby nose is so delicate, soft, and it definitely gets stuffed. At the hospital, they give you a boogie bulb. However, the one I was given was too big for my little one so I had to get a different brand for her. Of course, she did not like the feel of the bulb, but a mama’s gotta do what she has to do for little one. I must caution that you wash and clean out the nasal syringe kit as soon as you use it to avoid getting germs to your baby.
#5. Teething toys – Oh yes! These are one of the smartest inventions ever. Teething toys make everyone’s life easier. Your baby will fuss less, too. One of the tricks I learned with teething toys is to freeze them. It cools the baby gums that way.
I recognize I am not a mom expert, but I am hopeful that these simple tips will help a new mom out there. If you found any of these helpful, I would like to know. Please share your experience with me. New mom life can be scary, you are not alone. There are tons of tips out there and a village of other moms willing to help. That is part of the reason I started Dream Mentorship, a community for women to connect, learn, and grow. This and Auburn-Opelika Moms Blog are great resources for all women, especially new moms. Connect with us!