Kelly Hamm
5 Ways to Support C-Section Moms
Did you know that 1 out of every 3 women who give birth in the United States will give birth via C-Section? That number seems to be rising in the US, even skyrocketing to...
Pregnancy is No April Fools’ Joke
Consider you are out to eat with friends. You go with a group of 8 ladies to have a nice night out. You find yourself laughing at each other’s jokes and enjoying the events...
Making Memories
Life moves sooo fast, and the faster it goes the quicker it seems that our big moments pass too. With the increased use of technology in our daily lives, we tend to take more...
Kindness Instead of Criticism: What New Moms Need
Someone asked a friend of mine (who has 3 kids) which transition was harder, from 1 to 2 or 2 to 3. Her response will stick with me forever. She paused and stated “Hands...
Feed Your Family on a Budget
Shortly after getting married, my husband and I worked on our very first budget as a couple. We are both very thrifty with our spending, but we knew we needed to sit down together...
Parenting in the Unexpected
When I found out we were expecting our son, I was so excited. There was so much to learn as I began this new journey of motherhood. I have a Type A personality, so...