Road and sunset

Fresh Start

They say that hindsight is 20/20, right? A new year always finds me nostalgic and, honestly, more than a little stressed. Looking back over the year to celebrate personal triumphs, identify what did and didn't work, crafting resolutions, and/or...
Just don’t do it.  I was going to end the post right there, but there are word minimums for these things. I know some people are super grossed out by diapers and hold their 6 week olds over the toilet and...
To be completely honest, I never pictured myself actually feeding my baby. I knew it was something I wanted to do, and I read enough about it to know why I thought I wanted to do it, but I...
Some things may be "a waste of time and energy" other things are not-a lot of things are not a waste. Spending time with family, cooking with friends, reading a good book, doing exercise, having a coffee alone and thinking...
Our oldest son was adopted the day after his 13th birthday. Our tradition is to celebrate his A-Day (adoption day) with a surprise outing that we commemorate with a Christmas ornament, since it's December, and since he doesn't have...

Speak Life

As a parent, a lot is expected of you. The weight of parenthood is hard to carry. As soon as you bring your child into this world, you’re flooded with advice and opinions, some welcomed and some not. There...
Sometimes, these so called "new" positive parenting strategies can take people by surprise. And really, these positive parenting strategies that I am referring to are quite simple: providing praise, phrasing instructions and corrections in "to do" terms, not providing...
Dear family moving into our old home,   What a bittersweet day for us! We are absolutely thrilled that this home will now be yours-that you can fix meals together, enjoy walks around the neighborhood, and spend time on the deck...
For most of my life, my identity was very much wrapped up in what I could accomplish. My own personal goal was to get as close to perfection as possible in the areas I felt like I was strongest....
I feel like a walking commercial for BLW: my tagline could be “So easy, a baby can do it. Literally. “ But really. The work we put in as a family for a short time around 6 months old...


Our Summer Survival Strategy

Summer is here whether I like it or not. Admittedly, it’s not my favorite season, but I’m both excited and a bit nervous about...

I’m Leaving

I love you Mommy