My thirtieth birthday is almost here! If you would have asked me several years ago how I felt about such a milestone being on the horizon, I may have hid my panic under a smile and a joke about...
Last Thursday I sat on my kitchen floor and cried for 3 hours. My son napped peacefully in his room while my 4 year old sat and watched me cry, begging me to play with her. I was truly...
It is no doubt that Auburn has so much to offer to our community, and there are so many hidden gems in our town on the plains. One of those gems is the Kreher Preserve and Nature Center.
The Kreher...
One of my kids is really good at noticing when other people get to do fun things.
They are less good at noticing when they get to do fun things.
In those moments, I remind them to find their “grateful heart...
Thanksgiving is rapidly approaching and I am sure we all can't help but think of all the turkey, dressing, pumpkin pie, football, and family time we are about to enjoy. These are all fantastic things, but let me encourage...
I have never been to seminary to learn apologetics, theology, or how to love and serve people in a crisis. But since becoming a parent, I have learned more about God, undeserved love, forgiveness, sin, and all those other...
If you are new to the Auburn-Opelika area, you may be curious about what our area has to offer as far as women’s services. I want to give you a few ideas of resources I used as a new...
No one said raising teenagers would be easy, and although I’m new to this (my oldest just turned 13) it’s been harder than I ever imagined. There’s the typical “teenage” stuff – attitudes and rolled eyes, slammed doors and...
Maybe you have heard this title question in a film, cheesy skit, or actually in person.
Almost daily I get the privilege to speak with people who are not from around here. I love the opportunity I have to continually...
Did you know that there’s an official National Checklist Day? Shoot yeah! It’s October 30th to be exact. Did you miss it? Yeah, me too. I need to make a checklist not to miss the checklist day… #momlife anyone?