I recently got to spend some time with my best friend and her new baby boy. He was two weeks old when I met him and a complete angel. He pretty much just slept all day, and when he...
November is recognized as National Adoption Month. The purpose of this distinction is to raise awareness for children currently in the US foster care system who are awaiting adoption.  Personally, I have adopted three children from foster care in...
In a perfect world our family’s Halloween costumes would be coordinated, home-made from things we already had lying around, and, no one would complain about being itchy. But it’s not a perfect world and I have learned that it’s...
I was chatting with another mom in the gym the other day about her workouts. I saw her do an exercise in the gym that I didn’t know how to do and asked if she would teach me to...
As the summer starts winding down,  As school starts back at the beginning of August,  As the temperature starts to drop - wait a minute - we are in Alabama so that doesn't happen... But one thing is for sure, in the...
Our “why” of Baby Led Weaning is simple: we wanted to eat dinner at the table as a family, letting our baby eat at his own pace, enjoying the full meal experience. (You can find that post here.) The...
For those of you seasoned moms, you're probably going to know the feeling of what I'm sharing in this blog post. So many feelings come with Baby #1: excitement, anticipation, uncertainty, doubt, joy. The emotions are endless.  The planning is endless, too:...
three phone icons

Mom Pods

We are almost living in the year 2020 my friends. If you haven’t already jumped onto the bandwagon that is listening to podcasts - I’m here to help. It can be a little overwhelming (What do I listen to?...


*Disclaimer: There is never an easy way to discuss hard topics in your life. It often feels like the more you open up the more you are judged. But I believe that if we share our stories good or bad...
I knew before Sully was born that my time with him could be used creatively and that I wanted to document our days. There is an Instagram account run by a mom who dressed up her daughter while she...


Our Summer Survival Strategy

Summer is here whether I like it or not. Admittedly, it’s not my favorite season, but I’m both excited and a bit nervous about...

I’m Leaving

I love you Mommy