Me Time. It's a phrase we hear a lot associated with motherhood. It's an essential part of learning how to adapt to parenting but it's a bit of a confusing phrase isn't it?       I mean, what...
"You need to turn on the television." That's what Kent said when I answered the phone. I could not have imagined what came next. I homeschooled each of our kids individually for one year before they reached junior high school....

Vlog-it’s a Real Word

Friends are like flowers, so it is said. We choose them, pick them, and care for them with their life brightening ours. Women, and all people need friends. In some stages of life it can be harder to get out...
Every parent has that place they dread ... inevitably once your kids cross the threshold, they lose their actual minds.  Maybe it’s the car, grocery store, doctor’s office, or a grandparent’s house. Maybe for you it’s everywhere, I’m sorry...

In Another Life

Yesterday I must have spent to much time scrolling Facebook on my phone because as I was putting it down to focus on my husband who had just gotten home, I saw a banner notification from Google that said...
As we all find our footing with the first few weeks of the new school year under our belts, it’s time to also juggle all those fun extracurricular activities. One constant in our family, for as long as my...

Can We Be Friends?

“Can we be friends?” isn’t a phrase you often hear from adults. Making friends as an adult is challenging and takes time. After five years and three duty stations later, I still find it daunting to form my “tribe”...
With summer winding down and school back in session, I know I will miss our family's regular trips to the library. As our days get more hectic with after school activities and sports, our trips become a little less...
A fashion blogger’s rare non-clothing post caught my attention when she wrote about introducing solids to her son by giving him real, whole foods: a concept that was foreign to me. While I was searching for maternity outfit inspiration,...
“That isn’t going to be me.” I knew all the signs. I’d read the research. I knew the possibilities. The words of my grad school professor kept bouncing around in my head. “The biggest predictor of Postpartum Depression is...


Our Summer Survival Strategy

Summer is here whether I like it or not. Admittedly, it’s not my favorite season, but I’m both excited and a bit nervous about...

I’m Leaving

I love you Mommy