Honesty. Sorrow. Death. I think for most of us, we’re pretty good at being honest in our daily lives.  We honestly tell our doctor how much or how little exercise we are actually getting in.  We honestly share with our boss the...
It's the most wonderful time of the year! We’ve gathered a list of coming events in the Auburn/Opelika area starting after Thanksgiving through the end of the year. From parades, Christmas markets, outdoor activities, festivals, and train rides, to...
  I watch him sleep by the light of the iv pump and the twinkling of the tiny Christmas tree by the window. It’s a day where I’m feeling anxious. I watch his chest rise and fall with every breath, thankful...
Are you planning on heading to the polls on November 8th? Don’t worry about finding a last-minute babysitter. Here are a few of the most popular election questions asked by new and expecting parents. “Can I take my kids to...

Finding Lost Things

"Mom! Have you seen my soccer jersey?" "Mom, I can't find my blue sweater anywhere." "Moooooom, I have to be at Solo and Ensemble in an hour and I think I left my trumpet in math class yesterday." What...
I’ve heard this phrase from different people and in different phases of my life.  Just do the next right thing.  The book I’m currently reading, Perfectly Yourself by Matthew Kelly, makes the same point clear early on in chapter two.  Majority of...
"Big love in the small moments." “Big magic in the mundane, Big picture in the small frame, Everything is sacred when you take time to notice, Big love happens in the small moments.” (Big Love, Small Moments, JJHeller.com) One of our littles went from the...
Future For Football is the National Football Foundation's cross-platform multi-media campaign that celebrates the positive impact football has had on millions of players, coaches, volunteers, and fans is the main mission of Future for Football and there's lots to...
Back in the glory days of having one child, I wrote an article about how I kept my house nice and tidy. Sweet, sweet summer Sarah. Turns out that adding a child somehow triples the mess. Like compounding interest...
Farmer in the Dell Pumpkin Patch 6500 Lee Road 137 Auburn, AL 36832 Opens Saturday September 24th Closes Monday October 31st Pumpkins, Hay Bale Play Area, Hayrides, Crop Maze, Animal Farm Admission $4 Per Person, 2 and under are free   Choctafaula Pumpkin Patch 929 Lee Road 14 Auburn,...


Our Summer Survival Strategy

Summer is here whether I like it or not. Admittedly, it’s not my favorite season, but I’m both excited and a bit nervous about...

I’m Leaving

I love you Mommy