As a mom of three, I learned years ago that I had to see everyday obstacles to my agenda as opportunities if I wanted to get through the day and stay sane. With perfectionism and OCD deep in my...
I had jury duty last year. During voir dire, we were all seated in a courtroom with our juror numbers printed on a half-sheet of bright orange paper that we held up to answer affirmatively to the questions asked...
What do you get for your husband for Father's Day from your son? It was my first time getting my husband something from my son so the pressure was on. I landed on memories. My man has such a...
Give me a pen, a notebook, and mountains and you've got my attention. Add about 500 plus fellow writers and I'm all in. Put us together for five days with some of our favorite authors to learn, share, eat...
Urgent Care for Children is now open in Tigertown and ready to serve the children and parents of our community!
When your child is sick, you don’t want to spend hours in a waiting room. You want quick answers and...
One of the things that I have always loved about my mom was that she was there, she was present. She may not always say the right thing or have the correct reaction but she was THERE and cheering...
You want to know what makes raising toddlers easier?
When you can relax a bit, take a step back, and really see what’s going on around your child and his or her own behavior.
Oh, and while you’re at it, jump...
At 32 weeks pregnant I bragged to a friend that I had a perfect blood pressure with no preeclampsia symptoms and hadn’t had any pregnancy woes besides Hyperemesis gravidarum (A total nightmare, but a story for another day). If...
What’s a Snoo bassinet and why do I need one? I’m currently staring at the hand-me-down bassinet that a friend of a friend gave me. I don’t even know what brand it is. As a first-time mom and proud...
Where to Find Fireworks :: Auburn
Auburn Independence Day Celebration
Celebrate Independence Day with the Entire Auburn Community! Bring your chairs and blankets, and enjoy food trucks and music.
Behind Duck Samford Stadium
1840 East Glenn Avenue
Auburn, Alabama 36830
Date:: Monday, July 4, 2022