I’ve been described as an “out of the box” thinker, but when it comes to toys for my Sully, I think “inside the box.” Literally. I very quickly realized that babies enjoy an assortment of random items over toys a...
Mothers are held to an unbelievably unobtainable standard. It is unreal the amount of pressure mothers are put under when it comes to their homes, their children, their careers, or their relationships. Society wants mothers to be well-rounded. They...
"Dear Mama...You Are Appreciated. "  Tupac wrote that anthem for his Mama and while our mamas and lives are quite different (for starters, my mama is not a "crack fiend"), the sentiment he expresses to his mama is the...
It's back-to-school season. You've shopped for new backpacks, new shoes, new folders, new clothes, new pencils, new binders, new markers, and the list could go on. While we are in this hustle and bustle of getting all the new things that...
The school system may say that summer is over, but summer as a season is certainly not. We’ve still got a couple more months of long hot days that moms with preschoolers need to fill. Or just survive. Better...
My heart nearly exploded the day we found out we were having a boy. Holding him in my arms for the first time and looking at his sweet soft face, I began to hope and pray for his future....
I’ve started to write this no less than thirty times. Emotionally, I can hardly handle the fact my daughter is going to kindergarten.    I look at her and I fall between welling up in tears and being shocked about how...
Walking through the aisles of Target for diapers, I turned a corner and wham! There was the back to school display! So many emotions! Where I once would be buying supplies for myself as a student, I was now...
Stack of VHS movies

Family Movie Night

I’m just a girl clutching her VCR, begging it to live forever.  Family Movie Night - what started out as something fun to do with our daughter when we brought a new baby home, has turned into a wouldn’t-miss-it weekly...

Small Enough

I became a mom in an unusual way. My first child was newly 12 when he came home. He was sweet and precious and quirky and more. He still can be, at 16, but he's also becoming a young...


Our Summer Survival Strategy

Summer is here whether I like it or not. Admittedly, it’s not my favorite season, but I’m both excited and a bit nervous about...

I’m Leaving

I love you Mommy