Tis the season for travel and road trips! The weather is getting nice, the end of the school year is approaching, and everyone is thinking about spring and summer travel plans. Recently, my husband and I took our 10-month-old on...
I work on a disaster relief cleanup and mud out team. We are trained for a lot of things but one thing we do is take a house down to the studs up to two feet above the water...
I am a mom of a 3-year old and I have a full-time job. A remote full-time job. Which means, I work from home. I'm a working stay at home mom, if you want.   While this has its perks --...
When it’s dark and it’s cold and I can’t feel my soul You are still good… Those are lyrics to a song “You are Good” by Nichole Nordeman. I sang those words over and over again through tears and groaning...
Growing up, I had always dreamed of white picket fences, princes on white horses, and Jill and Jack fetching a pail of water. Nothing in my world of fairy tales prepared for the reality that hit me when I...
I was bitten by the travel bug about a decade ago and I have yet to find the cure. Besides experiencing a new culture, trying regional dishes, and gaining a fresh perspective, these travels have taught me quite a few...
Guest Submission by Amy Wadsworth Register: I was having a great day. I had attended an event with the Chamber of Commerce and sat with two friends. We had shared stories about rush (because it was that time of...
Are your kids constantly bringing home artwork? I know mine do.  I love my children's artwork. It is colorful, organic and completely raw. I can see how their little minds worked through the creative process. So what do you do with...

Delayed Nesting

Today, I had a random urge for delayed nesting. What is “delayed nesting” you ask? It’s apparently when you finally get some sleep and energy enough to put up and clean out things you couldn’t or didn’t get to before you...
How often do you go through the drive-through on your way home from work?  Is the grocery cart (usually) void of chocolate chip cookies and ice cream?  When you're thirsty, do you reach for water instead of pop?  These...


Our Summer Survival Strategy

Summer is here whether I like it or not. Admittedly, it’s not my favorite season, but I’m both excited and a bit nervous about...

I’m Leaving

I love you Mommy