In my short four months as a mama, I have found that I am far from a perfect parent, but no one is perfect. However, I do pride myself on the fact that I have managed to keep my...
This morning I walked into the kitchen to fix my cup of coffee and I noticed that the sugar container that sits next to the coffee maker had been refilled.  Yesterday morning I didn’t put any sugar in my...

Homeschooling 101

If you had told me ten years ago that I would be a homeschool mom, I would probably have laughed in your face. I had been a tenured public school teacher & administrator and came from a family of...

A Letter to my First Baby

To my firstborn on your last night of being an only child, I am having a hard time putting into words all of the emotions that are running through my mind right now. There are so many things that I...
I want you to picture this moment with me...I am chatting with another mom who I have never laid eyes on and both of our sons are playing at our feet. She looks at me and asks, “How old...
Like many moms, I've watched parts of Marie Kondo's Netflix show on decluttering and organizing.   First of all: I am actually a pretty organized person. (After all, I'm German.) But then again, I married a Venezuelan and have a 3-year...
This month I'm celebrating 3 years as a stay-at-home mom. I always imagined I'd stay at home with my kids, like my mom did when I was growing up. When the time came, though, it was kind of unexpected....

MacGuyver Mom

I went through this phase, when I was 10 or 11 years old, where I wanted to be an international secret agent!  My mom had me in Martial Arts from the 4th grade on, and I kept it up...
Shortly after getting married, my husband and I worked on our very first budget as a couple. We are both very thrifty with our spending, but we knew we needed to sit down together and determine where our money...
Rainy days and cold days can be really tough when you have littles running around. Back when I lived in Kansas, I nannied three little girls (ages 1-5) for two years throughout all seasons of Kansas weather: beautiful Spring, hot...


Our Summer Survival Strategy

Summer is here whether I like it or not. Admittedly, it’s not my favorite season, but I’m both excited and a bit nervous about...

I’m Leaving

I love you Mommy