With breezier temperatures and college football back on the screen, I can’t get to a great patio fast enough! In my 20s, I lived in Chicago, and September Saturdays were spent bar hopping from patio to patio as we...
My husband has a folded up note card sitting on top of his nightstand with a quote on it.
I see this quote and read this quote every morning when I’m making our bed and every time I walk by...
On Saturdays all around the country, you can find families gathered around their television soaking up all of the sights and sounds of football season. For us in the South, especially right here in the heart of football country,...
In early 2021, we unexpectedly lost my beloved father-in-law after a brief illness. It was a shock to our family. We were faced with this new reality we didn’t see coming, and had to quickly develop a plan of...
This is a Public Service Announcement to all of the moms of littles, toddlers, preschoolers, elementary kiddos, etc.:
Not all behavior is BAD.
The behaviors that your child is doing, they aren’t all BAD.
It may seem that your child has a...
I usually have a new iPhone and I use the latest iPad for work. I believe I have had a newer cell phone since I have been in my career. Of course I did not grow up with cell...
Yesterday afternoon I sat outside and had a Zoom video chat with an old friend from college.
Prior to Covid and the frequent utilization of Zoom, I just didn’t have video calls with friends who live 600 miles away. It...
One of the realities of the small children phase of parenting is that time for taking care of yourself is limited. I can't remember the last relaxing bath I've had and being kicked in the back by my kid...
I stopped to snap a picture on my run a few weeks ago of someone’s dashboard display of ducks in a row. I have no idea the reason or significance of said display, but its out-of-the-ordinary nature got my...
The new school year is right around the corner and all of my anxious mom feelings come back each time as we near a new year: Will they get the right teacher for them? Will they have some friends...