Hot Mom Summer

This morning I was strapping my kids into their car seats so we could head to their preschool. Yes, our preschool has a summer session, and you better believe I send my kids. I was out there for maybe...
Alabama summers generally have two settings: brutally hot and humid, or thunderstorms. When water play isn't an option and you need a change of scenery that's indoors and air-conditioned, here are some ideas to try to beat the summer...
School’s out! For me these words have always ushered in my favorite time of the year. The kids were home and we had lots of unstructured family time. “What’re we gonna do today?” wasn’t usually a problem because there...
Summer is here, and there's something about the warm (!) weather that automatically makes me ask, "When's our next vacation?" I know road-tripping with kids can sound daunting - you may have heard the saying, “with kids, there are...
  This sounds like an obvious contradiction, however, there is a lot of truth in it.  I'm going to mention a few things about gardening that brings simplicity to life. I want to simplify my life. I wish I had a...
The summer is upon us! This is Alabama's longest season, with temps in the 80s and 90s from May to October most years. If you're looking for ways to cool off, here is a list of places your family...
You’ll soon be a kindergartener. I registered you for kindergarten today. How did we get here so fast? I remember so vividly the road we were on that finally lead us to you.  Then, after we had you in...
You have a toddler, or two, running around your house, and you’re thinking… “Am I the only one?” “Does this happen for everyone else?” “Is my kid the only one struggling with potty training?” “Does this seem so hard only for me?” “Is the...
*Content warning: this post contains anxiety and vomit. * The other afternoon I was doing some organizing. I’d just finished watching the second season of Netflix’s Get Organized with The Home Edit, so I was inspired. I’d already reorganized my...
Are things running smoothly in your home right now? Is there a routine that acts as a stumbling block for you or your kids that you would like to iron out? It can be tricky to diagnose the issue...


Our Summer Survival Strategy

Summer is here whether I like it or not. Admittedly, it’s not my favorite season, but I’m both excited and a bit nervous about...

I’m Leaving

I love you Mommy