I am hands down all about effective parenting strategies that are EASY to use and that actually WORK. And while most parents have this notion that parenting techniques that are backed by science are difficult to understand, impossible to...
Right now is probably the BEST time you have for getting potty training done with your toddler. We're stuck in quarantine. We're stuck home with our kids. We will likely not have another opportunity like this one to knock potty...
My mother hates Halloween. I’ve trick or treated one time in my life and it was before a sleepover with a friend in middle school. I went dressed as an Indian woman and wore a sari because that’s the...
Growing up southern, I learned that when someone asks, "How are you?" the expected reply is, "I'm fine how are you?" You aren't supposed to think about it, it's just what you say. A friend of mine got irritated once...
Halloween is almost here and, as with most things this year, we are not back to “normal”. If you are feeling iffy about going door-to-door, keep reading for some fun alternatives to schlepping kids up and down the road...
Have you ever been running late and just absolutely couldn’t find your keys? Have you ever been in the middle of your mile long to-do list only to realize you forgot something but don’t know what it was? I’m...
        I consider myself a pretty laid back mom. I don't really have dietary restrictions for my daughter, other than "please eat enough that you don't wake up at 2am hungry." I'm chill on TV. In...
One important role of a mother is being the memory keeper for her children and family, particularly when the children are young. There are many different ways to go about this, and I wanted to share a few of...
Since you've been a Mom, do you find yourself saying things you can't believe came out of your mouth? You're not alone. 2020 has been a rough year, and we all could use a laugh about now. Let's have...
No one told me this was going to happen when potty training my own kid. No research article. No textbook. No blog post. No podcast episode. No social media post. Nothing. As a behavior analyst AND a parent, I’ve got...


Our Summer Survival Strategy

Summer is here whether I like it or not. Admittedly, it’s not my favorite season, but I’m both excited and a bit nervous about...

I’m Leaving

I love you Mommy