My husband and I had a fight over a toy vacuum cleaner last week. It was supremely stupid. Our daughter had taken the vacuum outside while she and I were playing in the backyard earlier in the day, and...
It’s not uncommon after giving birth, especially for the first time, for a mom to feel a little bit shocked by the experience. Whether she is overwhelmed by the physical intensity of the experience or surprised at all the...
For those of you seasoned moms, you're probably going to know the feeling of what I'm sharing in this blog post. So many feelings come with Baby #1: excitement, anticipation, uncertainty, doubt, joy. The emotions are endless.  The planning is endless, too:...


In life, it seems that we do a lot of waiting.  Our parents waited 9 months for us to be born.  Waited for us to take our first steps, say our first words.  They waited for the first day...
When it comes to pain relief for birth, most moms in the United States opt for an epidural, and there are several reasons for that.  First and foremost, epidurals are usually extremely effective. For most mothers, they completely eliminate...
Whew! We did it. Our little man just had his first birthday and we celebrated surviving one year of being parents. We have survived numerous road trips. As well as, grappling with my postpartum body image and accomplishing so...
Do you ever wonder why one person can tell her birth story and seem genuinely traumatized, but another person who had a very similar “kind” of birth is completely fine? Obviously, there are some things that can happen during...
I recently got to spend some time with my best friend and her new baby boy. He was two weeks old when I met him and a complete angel. He pretty much just slept all day, and when he...
(Before I begin, as a former English teacher, I feel obligated to say that I know that I used a dangling preposition in my title.  But who says, “Five Birth Services About Which You Might Not Know?” I’m going...
A loooooong time ago, I loved to read. I read voraciously when I was a kid, staying up well past my bedtime to read just one more chapter of whatever book I was reading at the time. When I...


Our Summer Survival Strategy

Summer is here whether I like it or not. Admittedly, it’s not my favorite season, but I’m both excited and a bit nervous about...

I’m Leaving

I love you Mommy