Our Healthcare Heroes

Let me set the stage for you:  A pandemic is raging. People are scared. People are sick and some are dying. Loved ones are losing family members. Activities like sports, parties, family get togethers, vacations, and more are getting cancelled. There is a national coin...
I don’t think I’ve officially said it on here, but our little family is beginning the adoption process! The decision to begin this process is what can only be described to be straight from God: there are so many...
Ever get so fed up with making decisions that you just want someone to tell you what to do for the rest of your day? Or life. No judgement. Or you start out the day making good, healthy decisions,...
I’m 20 weeks pregnant with a precious little boy the day that I’m writing this. I should be happy, but I’m not. I’m cracking under the weight of all this. The other morning my husband asked me why I...
Expecting a baby is an exciting and uncertain time for most moms. Moms that have recently given birth or are currently pregnant have the added burden of stress and uncertainty that we're all experiencing as we navigate this unfamiliar...
Just a short time ago, I was mentally preparing to lose an hour for Daylight Savings Time, rearrange my work schedule because preschool was closing for spring break, and thinking of ways to entertain my toddler while dealing with...
If you knew you only had a year more with that child, what would you expose him to? Where would you go? What would you eat? What would you watch? What would you do? If you only had ONE...
If you are new to the Auburn-Opelika area, you may be curious about what our area has to offer as far as women’s services. I want to give you a few ideas of resources I used as a new...
I recently got to spend some time with my best friend and her new baby boy. He was two weeks old when I met him and a complete angel. He pretty much just slept all day, and when he...
For those of you seasoned moms, you're probably going to know the feeling of what I'm sharing in this blog post. So many feelings come with Baby #1: excitement, anticipation, uncertainty, doubt, joy. The emotions are endless.  The planning is endless, too:...


Our Summer Survival Strategy

Summer is here whether I like it or not. Admittedly, it’s not my favorite season, but I’m both excited and a bit nervous about...

I’m Leaving

I love you Mommy