Do you ever wonder why one person can tell her birth story and seem genuinely traumatized, but another person who had a very similar “kind” of birth is completely fine? Obviously, there are some things that can happen during...
I didn’t want to have my baby. This is something that would sound shocking for anyone who knows me personally. My pregnancy was a surprise, but my husband and I knew that we wanted kids. We just weren’t really...
When it comes to pain relief for birth, most moms in the United States opt for an epidural, and there are several reasons for that.  First and foremost, epidurals are usually extremely effective. For most mothers, they completely eliminate...
When it’s dark and it’s cold and I can’t feel my soul You are still good… Those are lyrics to a song “You are Good” by Nichole Nordeman. I sang those words over and over again through tears and groaning...
Guest Submission by Amy Wadsworth Register: I was having a great day. I had attended an event with the Chamber of Commerce and sat with two friends. We had shared stories about rush (because it was that time of...
Someone asked a friend of mine (who has 3 kids) which transition was harder, from 1 to 2 or 2 to 3. Her response will stick with me forever. She paused and stated “Hands down, from 0 to 1.”...
I love to shop, but to rewrite a common phrase, I have “Gap Kids taste on a Garanimals budget.” In 2013, shortly after my first child was born, my mom and I braved the local semi-annual consignment sale. And I...
  I became a mom in April 2018. Leading up to the birth of my son I did the things that all first-time moms do: spend hours googling how to decorate the nursery, diligently filling out the baby registry, finalizing...
This morning I walked into the kitchen to fix my cup of coffee and I noticed that the sugar container that sits next to the coffee maker had been refilled.  Yesterday morning I didn’t put any sugar in my...

A Letter to my First Baby

To my firstborn on your last night of being an only child, I am having a hard time putting into words all of the emotions that are running through my mind right now. There are so many things that I...


Our Summer Survival Strategy

Summer is here whether I like it or not. Admittedly, it’s not my favorite season, but I’m both excited and a bit nervous about...

I’m Leaving

I love you Mommy