Many of us have electronic calendars with alarms set to remind us to do this or go there...some of us still rely on a paper calendar that is carefully color-coded with each family member's activities, appointments, and practices.  We...
This week, my 2 year old has been waking up about an hour earlier than he has for the past few months, and he's not particularly quiet. Now that the days are getting longer, the sun is up early...
There are a lot of misunderstandings out there about midwives. I had a very well-educated relative that was shocked to learn that most home birth midwives carry things like oxygen, fetal heartbeat monitors, and medicines to stop excessive bleeding...
large yard signs for birthday

Sober Mommy

My husband and I went to Napa Valley for our honeymoon. Before we had kids we implemented “Champagne Monday’ and toasted each other weekly out of fancy cups. On my 30th birthday, giant chevron numbers appeared in my front...
 I could probably write a book on this subject but I will settle for a blog series!!  As a mom, I have learned that there is a delicate balance between being a nervous wreck and being sane.  Sometimes I feel...
I just read an article about how the Church can help those who struggle with depression. I appreciated Garrick D. Conner’s input into the conversation about mental health issues in the Church, as his words are compassionate, sympathetic, encouraging,...
Did you know that 1 out of every 3 women who give birth in the United States will give birth via C-Section? That number seems to be rising in the US, even skyrocketing to averages of around 40% or...
"i carry your heart with me (i carry it in my heart). - e.e. cummings April is my birthday month, but also a reminder of pain that I carried so deep, trying to forget and trying to be strong.  But...


In life, it seems that we do a lot of waiting.  Our parents waited 9 months for us to be born.  Waited for us to take our first steps, say our first words.  They waited for the first day...
  One common topic during a pregnancy is your weight. Your doctor talks about it, your family and friends talk about it, and for some reason, even strangers decide to talk about it. I’ll admit I was terrified of gaining...


Our Summer Survival Strategy

Summer is here whether I like it or not. Admittedly, it’s not my favorite season, but I’m both excited and a bit nervous about...

I’m Leaving

I love you Mommy